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Everything posted by tr0gd0r12346

  1. Hi all, Fairly inexperienced person who has only used the basic editor before. Never tried using the advanced editor and was looking to play around with it. I was wondering is it possible to create a division that is just a cup competition, but still has promotion to a higher league? Eg. 1 big promotion playoff with no actual league involved at all. The context is that in the past, the East Timorese league has run invitational cup competitions to determine promoted teams to the top 2 leagues. No actual 3rd division involved, just a straight cup to decide promoted teams. I thought this was a pretty unique idea so I wanted to see if it were possible to re-create it! Doubly so if it were possible to grab a random selection of lower league teams to compete. I attempted to do this by creating a division, making the league type a cup, then assigning fate rules to the finalists setting them to be promoted. This doesn't seem to work though and no teams appear to get promoted. Overall I feel quite out of my depth, so I was wondering if such a thing were actually possible or if it would be much more complicated than I've imagined. Any knowledge on this would be appreciated!
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