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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Yeah i made one that worked well, can see a couple of messages below that one.
  2. any roles you'd change? its doing okay, a lot of games are 3-2 or 4-3 so am conceding a few... was tempted to maybe bring the two cm on supper back to SV on attack? or maybe even defensive wingers as that role is apparently decent atm
  3. @knap tbf i've done these along with similar argus team instructions and its done okay..
  4. hi @knap Would it be possible to make something similar to this? whether the wingers are in that position or more advanced
  5. @knap is there a strikerless 4-2-4? sure there was but can't find it
  6. @knap can you try make the most outrageous formation thats so random?
  7. @knap have we got any 4231 formations without the DM in support role? more like actually cms with different roles?
  8. @knap Then my brother has asked for something like this that would work too.
  9. DM pushed up and WMs brought back so a fully flat midfield - ---- ----- -
  10. would we be able to get some form of Jose tactic thats defensivly great, loads of clean sheets / low goals against but prolific on the counter / in attack
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