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Posts posted by ShikariFC

  1. Hi Guys! 

    In terms of what im looking for - I dont use the 3d match engine, generally I look at having 2/3 nations loaded (8-10) leagues, classically ive alwas used a medium database but thats mainly due to the fact that ive always had fairly poor laptops as up until the last year or so I have had crappy jobs and thus a low budget! so I would love something thats capable of dealing with a large database. Finally and probably most importantly I use the data editor a lot and install as much graphics (kits, badges, skins etc) as I can, also try my hand to creating kits via photoshop.

    So heres a few links to Laptops, just wanted some second opinions really on which would be the best to go after (all the links are Argos, theres probably cheaper retailers out there but I have an Argos card so this just works easier for me) 






    5 is probably the reach of my budget really so unless its significantly better than the previous 4 options I wouldn't really consider it 

    Many Thanks!


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