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13 "You're a bum, Rock"

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    Liverpool. Wycombe

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  1. have uploaded the file onto OwnCloud. The file name is "Matt Skidmore 1"
  2. I have uploaded the file onto OwnCloud. The file name is "Matt Skidmore 2"
  3. I use custom views a lot, and when selecting a new captain, I use a custom view in the Captain subsection of the Tactics screen. However, when I use this screen, no matter which player I drag across, the captain is always Paolo Maldini.
  4. Playing as Platense in Argentina, Noah Mavrommatis is Argentinian/Greek/American, but in my custom view he is displayed as Argentinian/Argentinian. This isn't a problem with Ramiro Gonzalez (Argentinian/Chilean) or Sasha Marcich (Argentinian/Italian), so I assume that it's a bug with him having three nationalities.
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