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21 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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    Man Utd

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    Cracovia, Poland

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  1. I'm not 100% sure this is a bug, but I don't recall this being the case in previous FMs, and it seems an issue. I have a player who has the Inside Forward (Attack) on the left wing. He also have the Runs with Ball Down Right trait AND the Cuts Inside from the Left Wing. Given he's on the left wing as an inside forward (which has the Cut Inside With Ball instruction), this doesn't seem to be correct, as he both likes to run down the right side (when on the right) AND cut inside from the left. '
  2. I recommend allowing to use the real estate available on 21:9 screens on the Team Selection screen. I'd love to have as much data available as possible, but due to the fixed width, it's limited. Can we allow for the team selection table to be wider so we can utilize 21:9 screens? Thanks!
  3. Today is the day! In the realm of pixels, a game so grand, Football Manager 2024 takes its stand. Miles Jacobson's vision, a leader so bright, Guiding us through seasons, day and night. Attributes, like pace and flair so cool, In managers' hands, they craft each rule. Tactics and formations, strategies anew, With set-pieces reworked, there's much to pursue. The match engine updated, with a gleam, Flashing text when we score, like a dream. Klopp, Guardiola, Mourinho so bold, In their virtual worlds, they'll strive for gold. Scouting networks wide, talents they find, New regens on a manager's mind. In FM 2024, the thrill's so right, With every match and goal, day and night. The SI Team's great work, it's stood the test of time, Crafting this masterpiece, truly sublime. Miles Jacobson's legacy, a story untold, In the gaming world, their brilliance unfolds. With flashing text and tactics to explore, Football Manager 2024, we adore. Today IS the day!
  4. If the first attempt getting Director of Football suggested transfer target fails, you are forced to close the "Suggest Transfer Targets" window before trying again. Otherwise it'll keep saying "No Players have been found". This issues was also in FM22 I believe. Steps to Reproduce: Go to Transfers --> "Director of Football" drop down --> Suggest Transfer Targets Do a selection (e.g. Loan and select role often doesn't produce a lot of targets for big clubs) Click "Suggest" and notice the "No Players have been found" appears. Without closing the window, try another selection (e.g. Transfer and any specific position) Notice that no results show up. Close the Suggest Transfer Target Window Do a new Suggest Transfer Target using the same selection as in step 4. Notice that results now show up. Also see attached video. DoF transfer target bug.mp4
  5. When looking at a player not part of my club, I noticed that Player Comparison list consists of players not part of my team anymore. See the two players below who's not with my team anymore nor loaned out (but they were a part of my team in the past): Micahel Sipl'ak Jan Mroz This doesn't seem fully reproducible for all players, but I uploaded my save. File name: Cracow_player_comparison_bug.fm Go to the player: Przemysław Wiśniewski and check the player comparison on the right.
  6. The scouting staff limit has almost been restored some time after I increased the scouting budget. I still wonder if this is a bug, as it seems drastic to have a reduction in scouting staff if your budget runs how. Providing the manager with some options here or an "FYI this happened because of x" could be super useful. Thanks!
  7. I wonder if this could be due to ones scouting budget is getting depleted? I noticed we were running low. Although there's no messaging around this in game IF that is the case. I think a message in "Inbox" when scouting budget is depleting would be a good feature request going forward as well as if they basically expect you to fire your whole scouting staff due to it. Seem drastic - especially if you can spend transfer budget for scouting.
  8. Hi @Michael Sant, Yes, please find attached ŁKS Łódź v Cracovia.pkm and uploaded as file name: "ŁKS Łódź v Cracovia.pkm" as well.
  9. For some reason I got the following reductions in allowed scouting staff which seems very odd: Chief Scout: From 1 to 0 Scouts: From 6 to 1 Finances are healthy and I'm #1 in the league and doing fine in Europe and Domestic Cup. Uploaded save: Cracow_saesian_Nov1_2022.fm. Screenshots attached.
  10. My team scored this goal. The defenders had all the time in the world to try to protect the goal, but they seem to just hang around outside the goal, rather than attempt to save the shot since the GK is gone. Thought I wanted to share defenders not protecting goal.mp4
  11. I manage Cracovia in Poland. My 2nd team (Cracovia II) is not in any leagues or cups. I've delegated control of 2nd team friendly matches to my 2nd team head coach. I also enabled the "Team manager arranges friendly matches". Although zero friendly matches are automatically being scheduled, and I have to schedule them myself. I do not have the option to select a "Frequency" for when to arrange friendlies as I do for my U19 team (see screenshot).
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