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Posts posted by bazlowski

  1. 3rd year of unbearable 3D match engine lag on a 5 star PC.

    I'm running it on a fully maxed out Dell XPS 15, but this year if I play with my recommended screen resolution of 3840x2160 the lag is so bad its unwatchable.

    If i reduce it to 1920x1080 it improves a lot, though not perfect by any stretch.

    Pain in the arse to have to change my screen res back & forth every time i play. Don't have to do that with ANY other game.


  2. 1 hour ago, Costanino Hummels said:

    Hello guys. I have done this which is on one of SEGA's recommendation pages and for now (FOR NOW) it is working without stuttering:

    "If running via an Nvidia graphics card, in Nvidia settings, ensure that“ Select the preferred graphics processor for this program ”is set to“ High-performance NVIDIA processor ”for Football Manager. Also set Power Management Mode to“ Prefer maximum performance ” , Threaded Optimization to “On” and Triple Buffering to “Off”. "

    I'll keep updating if the stutter suddenly returns. In this link more tips



    Those basic tips get wheeled out every year. Sadly for most of us long sufferers, it doesnt matter what settings we tweak ( & believe me i have tried them all), the results are exactly the same.......... because it is an optimisation issue thier end.

    Glad its worked for you though.

  3. 15 hours ago, Carlfabiano said:

    ok. Enough is enough.

    Third year. OK, it was a beta. It was laggy. Than, Windows 10 update, everything was smooth.

    Now, release, Update, It's lagging as hell.

    Guys, i dont want to hear: pls send dxdiag... I will delete this game now and dont play it again.

    It's three years now. I'm working in a Computer-Shop. I tried on 5 different Notebooks, but always same: Lag. 

    I love your game, but i dont want to hope everyday, 3 years, you will fix it.


    Optimisation is one of the most important things PC games have to go through, but SI's apparent stubborness on this issue over the last 3 years is quite frankly lazy & amateurish. I refuse to believe it's an unfixable problem. Many other much bigger titles have encountered similar problems before, the difference being they have always done whatevers neccesary to fix it........ quickly.....  Why SI won't put their hand in their pockets & at least hire someone to the team who can help them with this is just plain cheap. It appears that their policy on this is if they ignore it for long enough it will go away. Sadly they may be right, as we are obviously in the minority & will probably eventually give up & move on. Any custom they lose over it will probably be covered by new unwitting ppl coming to the franchise each year.

    Having said that, the only power we have as consumers is to take our custom elsewhere & warn as many others as possible across the many games forums out there.

    Sad is the right word to use. If it was my product I'd be embarrassed if it was released to the public unfinished.



    10 hours ago, ragingasian15 said:

    To be fair, this is the only good Football Manager game out there, so SI has basically fallen to the EA kind of gameplay. I've always turned down my settings because I don't play for a huge aesthetic crowd; I play because I want to buy players to put in a team that I can manage during a year long campaign. Multiple times. I give no craps about the UI, so I turn the settings down and have had no problems whatsoever. Is it a huge problem for people who have high settings? Yes. But then I gotta ask, why aren't you playing FIFA Career Mode?

    Oh well, as long as you're ok with it then i guess.......... 

    Cos Fifa Career Mode is crap.

  5. 3 hours ago, Jack Joyce said:

    There is absolutely no way to assume all lag reports on the forums are the exact same issue for everyone involved. Last year we fixed various reports of lag being fixed in patches, with others saying there was no change at all.

    All lag reports should be in a separate thread, if people are not going to do that, their posts will be hidden. All it does is make it harder for us to investigate.

    Fair enough mate. But you're making it sound like this hasn't been your achilles heel for the last 3 years. Asking ppl for more diagnostics all the time & to describe the problem smacks of just going through the motions.

  6. On 17/11/2020 at 14:54, Jack Joyce said:

    This is absolutely the opposite of what you should do. It's a huge (and likely wrong) assumption to say that all lag experienced by different users is caused by the exact same problem. Each case should be logged in a separate thread so they can be grouped together accordingly by the dev team.

    Come on Jack..... You know as well as we do, this is the exact same issue that has been plaguing many '5 star' pc owners for around 3 years now. There have been way, way too many reports about this over that time for them to be isolated issues. The only bizarre thing is why after all this time the devs still haven't been able to optimise the 3D match engine properly. I for one post about it every year. Imagine this was happening on lets say, 'Fifa'..? There would be uproar. I can play that way more graphically demanding game at the highest settings without a single stutter. Maybe someone should give the devs at EA a shout to find out how they manage it.

    It's such a shame as it seems like there's a really good looking game hiding underneath this year. But as soon as that camera moves it just looks like an old potato again.

    Some honest transparency from Sigames on this topic wouldn't go amiss.

  7. On 18/09/2019 at 14:09, Neil Brock said:

    We're proud to announce that Football Manager 2020 - The Arsenal Edition is available now via the FM Store


    How about a nice complimentary copy for us poor long suffering Nvidia owners who only got about 6 months out of FM19 before the graphics went up the swany & made us stop playing it...?

    Come on Neil, you know it makes sense...!


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