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885 "You're gonna need a bigger boat"

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  1. Currently sitting in Stuttgart train station waiting for my train back to Koln typing this. When Hungary scored at the end. I just broke down in my seat crying for a few minutes. Being a Hibs fan I’m used to dissappointment. But tonight felt different. Worst I’ve felt after a game of football for a long time. I generally thought we would have made history and the fans have been let down by manager who’s too stubborn with this tactics. But on the positive sides of things, I demand we have every Euro’s in Germany going forward.
  2. Never been more nervous ahead of a football game in my life. It will be the greatest feeling in the world if we win. I can’t wait to be in the stadium tonight to hopefully witness Scotland make history.
  3. Starting to get a little nervous for Sunday night. We won’t get a better chance to qualify for the next round and make history. I just hope we don’t set up to play defensive.
  4. What a stadium. That was great I’d start Shankland and Maybe someone else at RWB instead of Ralston. We’ll beat Hungary on Sunday in Stuttgart.
  5. Scotland weren’t very carbon neutral last night to be fair.
  6. A lot of people in the section I was in left at half time. The celebrations at the end were brilliant. i stayed to the end. I can now say I’ve seen Scotland score a goal at a major tournament.m even if we end up going out at the group stage next week. Flying home today then back out on Tuesday for Switzerland in Cologne and hoping we get points needed.
  7. Pros: Great Stadium, food and drink were fantastic. Cons: Ryan Porteous and Scotland ruining a good day.
  8. Can't wait to be in the Allianz on Friday to see Ryan Porteous score a last minute winner to beat the hosts.
  9. Very excited. Anyone else going over to Germany? Will be at all Scotland's 3 group games.
  10. Scotland to beat Portugal in the final.
  11. Happens in my save too. Still see good young players sitting rotten away in the youth teams of big clubs not getting game time and international selection still selecting old players.
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