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239 "I mean, funny like I'm a clown? I amuse you?"

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  • Favourite Team
    Gillingham/Manchester Utd

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  • Currently Managing
    SAN > Pescara > Union B > CFC > Leverkusen

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  1. Yeah, I've found this is normal. The AI is terrible are squad/contract management. This is my save in 2030 (6 months after I took over - had already reduced Chelsea's bill by like £750k)
  2. The worse thing with situations like these is you often end up selling them to a random club that isn't the country they're homesick from!
  3. Only way this would've been better if he was a useless GK
  4. Just because he said he will cross, doesn't mean he'll be any good at it
  5. So started up a new save where I wanted to start unemployed and see where it takes me. Couple of days into the game and I get a couple of interviews, nothing too strange about that right? Cardiff and Bournemouth offer interviews (I didn't apply for either, but I've set myself a rule that I have to accept any interview so long as it's not in the same league that I'm managing in - then I have the choice). Well there was an odd sentence in both interviews: Fair enough, they're impressed at my record - normally I'd be pretty pleased at that. But I've just started as unemployed so this is my record: I suppose it's not worse than the previous managers as I am technically undefeated in my entire career
  6. To be fair to the game, shooting and finishing are two different attributes
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