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3 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Zachary - Thanks for the update. I do have say I find the issue not being resolved unsatisfactory. I understand that as bugs go, this is a minor one, it doesn't cause the game to freeze or crash...and it seems to be confined to the MLS. So it would appear that SI has to prioritize which bugs it fixes. Note I'm not talking about what order bugs will be fixed in, but rather if it's worth SI's time to fix a bug, from their perspective. You know if this was happening in the EPL it would have been fixed probably in the fall of 2022 since this bug has been in FM since at least FM23. Now I've been playing FM/Championship Manager since 1996 but skipped the 2021 and 2022 versions (for various reasons) so I don't know about those versions. I know it was not in the 96/97 version (I don't think MLS was in Championship Manager until 1999 or 2000) thru FM 2020. (At least I didn't experience it.) So it would appear that not only is SI not fixing the bug...they're knowingly porting it into their current versions of FM. Makes me wonder about FM25. I mean think about it, FM24 was supposed to be the best FM of all time...yet SI knowingly ported a known bug (yes a minor one) into their "best version" of the game ever. I'm starting to get some EA Sports vibes coming from SI. If you can't make the MLS work by hardcoding its unique rules into the game and you don't want to put the time fixing bugs that happen probably because of the hardcoding, then just give us a generic MLS. One that we can edit and set up the way we want. Give us a "clean" league so we can set it up ourselves. All the hardcoding makes editing the MLS extremely difficult. It can't be a contractual thing...no other soccer games try to set the MLS like it is in real life. Don't half a$$ it, either do it right with the hardcoding (this includes fixing minor bugs) or give us a "clean" league which is easy to edit. Thank you for your time.
  2. Mates - Can you tell me if this issue was addressed in the last patch? I don't want to have to start a new save and play till I win a trophy to find out.
  3. So I have to ask...since the issue has been happening since at least FM23.....how long have you known?
  4. Mates- I've noticed last year in FM23 that the (MLS) Colorado Rapids Honor section wasn't updating correctly after winning championships. After I noticed it, I stopped playing the save because for me it ruined the immersion of the game. So the last FM24 patch ruined the homegrown status for certain custom data bases, which you all are working on fixing right now. So in mean time I thought I would fire up a MLS save...guess what.....same issue. I'll provide screen shots and descriptions below. So this is from FM23, you can see that we had won the US Open Cup, the MLS cup and the CONCACAF Champions League. Still FM23...here you can see the "Honors" page. What I find interesting is that the MLS Western Conference, MLS cup and the Supporters' Shield all did update. Colorado had won the MLS cup and Western Conference before and finished runners-up twice for the Supporters' Shield. However, the US Open Cup and the CONCACAF Champions League did not update. Colorado were runners-up once before for the US Open Cup but never made a Champions League final. Note the "game" date in the upper right corner (as you're looking at it) so we're into season two at this point of the game. FM24 here....you can see I won the Leagues Cup. FM24 still....here you can see that the "Honors" did not update with the Leagues Cup. I checked the previous winners and the Leagues Cup trophy appeared in their "Honors". It should be noted that Colorado has never been to a Leagues Cup final before. I've played many, many saves, mostly non-MLS, in FM23 & 24 and only had this issue with the MLS/Colorado. I can't tell you if it's a MLS issue or a Colorado issue, only that it is a problem in both FM23 and FM24 and for me it kills the immersion of the game. P.s. I've uploaded both saved files...unfortunately they both have the same name...the standard FM naming convention.
  5. I had a similar issue. I started a new MLS save but started in July so there was about 20 games already played. When I took over the team it had 10 "off budget" players. I gave one a Senior contract and waived another. So the MLS registration screen shows that there is now 8 "off budget" players. I go to move a player from my "B"/reserve team to my main team and got the following message.... So I wasn't able to move the player. So after I calmed down a bit, I decided to see if I could figure out a work-a-round. Eventually I tried to register the player for the MLS while he was still on the "B"/reserve team using the filter.....and bam the game allowed me to do it! I then was able to move the player from the reserve team to the main team.
  6. Any update on when this patch is coming out?? We're almost at a month now.
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