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Everything posted by radimov79

  1. This would be vital, an ia that really reacts to what is going on in the world would be amazing, also I guess cause for many memes and laughs at first but it would be great.
  2. And Madrid and Barça stealing children from those academies, being able to promise those children to be the new Messi and end up as waiters in a whorehouse.
  3. I hate that screen with all my strength it only serves to make the tactics and team selection look bad, besides I don't want those tips, I always have to go back to the tactics screen, please allow the possibility to remove it. P.S.: I just saw that the screen is called "Tactical meeting" in English, but I can't edit the topic title.
  4. In the Spanish second division the same thing happens, mediocre players demand a very high salary for the reserve team.
  5. The economy of Real Zaragoza and the investment capacity of the new owners is not reflected in the new game, I have had to sell several players to balance accounts when the current economy and investment capacity is much higher.
  6. This has been going on for several years now. Is it very difficult to leave a default speed for the game in which the speed and physics of the ball look minimally realistic? I don't understand that this speed is left by default and you have to change it every time you start a new game.
  7. I would like to see more emphasis and depth in the youth system in Football Manager. I know it might be multiplying the database by a lot, but getting your players from U9 to the first team would be most satisfying. Trying to prevent cannibal clubs from stealing your talent, finding players with potential in the local leagues... I imagine it would be unfeasible because of the size of the database and the differences in rules between countries, but it would be a dream and I think it is a very important part that we miss out on the essence of soccer.
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