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  1. @Jamaicaman90 Can you please post this in full release bugs forum? If we are lucky, it may get fixed in one of major updates.
  2. Hi, I have uploaded staff.fm save file to cloud. Please let me know if anything else is needed.
  3. Whenever I offer to promote my U-19 staff to B-Team staff, they walk away. Isn't U19 to B-Team supposed to be a step up in their careers? Pol Planas is my U-19 coach with 2 star reputation - Offered him new contract to promote to B-team with almost 5 times the wage he is earning in U-19 and he rejected it straight away - He would rather stay at U-19 for 800 euros/week which does not make much sense.
  4. When I hire/promote a coach to my main team, I see the staff member in my B team coaching assignments and vice versa. I raised this issue in FM23 and FM22 but its never been fixed. I am seeing this in FM24 as well. FM23 link - FM22 link - Steps to replicate in FM24 - Albert Sanchez is my B team coach - B team coaching assignments - I promoted him to main team - But still see him under B team coaching assignments -
  5. It was mentioned in the feature list that PPDA(Passes Per Defensive Action) has been added to FM23 but I cannot find it. Has it been added? If yes, where can I find it?
  6. Steps to replicate - 1. Start as any La Liga team. 2. Recruit a coach for the B Team. 3. Check Senior team coaching assignments and he will be present there. I have raised this issue multiple times in the past - Let me know if any other details required.
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