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Posts posted by Digijustin

  1. 3 hours ago, oJMPx said:

    Just the default CONCACAF CL

    NCAA FBS is Tier 1

    NCAA FCS is Tier 2

    MLS isnt included in my league structure

    So you have a custom USA database and you can get the NACL by default? I'm trying one as well and NACL doesn't work for me. Curious as to what you have done with yours to make that work. 

  2. Hey @nielsoncp I decided to test my happiness and wanted to see if the August 22nd crash still applies. I needed to update your NACL and US advanced files but had to make this fix to get around some weird Icelandic issue. It verified with that update but alas, it still crashes on August 22nd. I'm bummed that SI hasn't fixed this and my motivation to play this game is on life support. 


  3. On 18/01/2023 at 00:18, mannyhams said:

    @easymacbb Did you run into this issue? It seems to affect most databases which edit the USA, but maybe you've sidestepped the issue by staying away from advanced rules?

    If you've not run into this, or some other issue that affects long-term saves, then I'll probably pick up FM23 and start my journey (finally!) :)

    I think it's because this DB keeps the MLS. In my examples and others I have seen, the MLS is removed and new leagues take its place. 

  4. On 01/12/2022 at 07:57, V2023 said:

    So, it took some time but it works!

    I can't say with complete certainty what change to the clubs forbids removing existing reserve teams, but I think it is the change to one of the three nation entries to the club. (not sure which one exactly)

    Would you be able to share your DB with me as I'm curious as to what you did to get this to work. Either it's not working for me or you did something different than me. 

  5. On 03/04/2021 at 15:20, Oltrazon said:

    Looks like a pretty good database.  I’ve always wondered what promotion and relegation would be like in the US.  

    The only problem I’ve noticed is that it’s hard to recruit people in the lower leagues.  (Yes, I did turn on add players to playable teams)  

    I recently started a save where my club is in either the US Lower Leagues or the National Lower Leagues.  There are players on my team, but not enough depth in every position so I tried to recruit some players.  When i try to recruit, there’s only like 8-10 players actually interested in joining my team.  

    Is there anything to solve this/anything I’m doing wrong? 

    I find that offering trials to everyone I can is the best way. In my save on YT, that's the best way for me to get players. I haven't heard about this issue yet but I'd recommend lots of trialists.

  6. 18 hours ago, victorjjeron said:

    Your databse is incredible! Only issue I have is that I want to do a save with local team, Queensboro FC and they're not in the database since we only start in the USL Championship in 2022. Would it be possible for you to add them and some of the other incoming teams in? Thanks!


    Thank you so much. I appreciate those kind words. Right now it's only using teams that were already in the game's database and none were added. At this time I don't have the bandwidth to do any custom things but you could take an existing team and swap them out using the editor 

  7. 2 hours ago, CaseyJFT96 said:

    Loving this database so far! Will the file work with the newest patch from a few days ago? I'm fairly new to FM and I'm unsure how update compatibility works. Thanks!

    That's so cool to hear. It will work for any existing saves but for a new save, you'll need a new file. I'll be adding those links here shortly or you can find me on Steam and get them there

  8. On 16/02/2021 at 21:40, TheGhostyBear said:

    Looks great! Loved your db from last year so I'm looking forward to this one. Did you get the youth intake bug solved for this year? also do the top teams get into the CCL?

    Thank you so much. I still don't know what the intake issue was last year but I revamped it in FM20 and fixed it then. Haven't had any issues with this version and intakes and in my personal save, I'm getting my usual crappy intakes as always. LOL

    Yes top teams do get into CONCACAF CL and I actually have a expanded DB for that as well if you're interested. Expands from 16 teams to 96 covering all the NA nations.


  9. 34 minutes ago, krlenjushka said:

    No you just need to use your math.

    When you calculate rounds - go backwards. From final to first round.

    That's what I was afraid of. I made some good headway last night and continuing today. Now trying to get 403 teams down to 116 in a fair manner is tough.

    32 minutes ago, wkdsoul said:

    Same, i hate trying to work it out.

    Agreed. Whoever does this as a job is a genius in my eyes

  10. I'm trying to make a custom FA style cup and having some logic issues. I can add the leagues into the Editor and it creates the rounds fine but I want to mimic the English FA Cup style as close as I can with different levels of leagues entering at different rounds. 

    I'm having a hard time with the logic to do this. I have 651 teams and want them all to play but trying to think this out hurts my brain. Is there a tool that others use for this or do I just struggle through it? I know I can figure it out but wondering if there is an easier path.


  11. Have you ever wanted to play Football Manager in the United States but don’t because of the weirdly difficult MLS rules? Have you ever wanted to play one of the hundreds of non-MLS clubs in the US but couldn’t because they aren’t in the game?

    Well, wait no more. I have released my FM21 database that turns the United States into a football pyramid that mimics most of the European league systems. I have created a 10 tier, promotion/relegation pyramid that gives the United States some fun teams to play within a pyramid system. 


    United States Premier League (20 teams)
    0 promoted
    3 Relegated

    United States Championship (24 teams)
    2 + 1(4 teams) Promoted
    3 Relegated

    United States League One (24 teams)
    2 + 1(4 teams) Promoted
    4 Relegated

    United States League Two (24 teams)
    3 + 1(6 teams) Promoted
    2 Relegated

    United States National League Premier (24 teams)
    1 + 1(6 teams) Promoted
    3 Relegated

    United States National League Division One (22 teams)
    2 + 1(6 teams) Promoted
    3 Relegated

    United States National League Division Two (22 teams)
    2 + 1(6 teams) Promoted
    5 Relegated

    United States Lower Leagues (Regionalized)
    1(8 teams) Promoted via Playoffs
        Northern Premier League (22 teams)
        1 Promoted
        4 Relegated

        Central Premier League (22 teams)
        1 Promoted
        4 Relegated

        Southern Premier League (22 teams)
        1 Promoted
        4 Relegated

        Western Premier League (22 teams)
        1 Promoted
        4 Relegated

    National Lower Leagues (Regionalized)
    4(18 teams) Promoted via Playoffs
        Atlantic National League (22 teams)
        2 Promoted
        0 Relegated

        Central National League (22 teams)
        2 Promoted
        0 Relegated
        Mountain National League (22 teams)
        2 Promoted
        0 Relegated
        Pacific National League (22 teams)
        2 Promoted
        0 Relegated
        Southern National League (22 teams)
        2 Promoted
        0 Relegated
        Valley National League (22 teams)
        2 Promoted
        0 Relegated

    Regional Leagues (Regionalized)
    6(24 teams) Promoted via Playoffs
        Atlantic League (22 - 24 teams)
        1 Promoted
        0 Relegated

        California League (22 - 24 teams)
        1 Promoted
        0 Relegated

        Eastern League (22 - 24 teams)
        1 Promoted
        0 Relegated

        Florida State League (22 - 24 teams)
        1 Promoted
        0 Relegated

        Mid-Atlantic League (22 - 24 teams)
        1 Promoted
        0 Relegated

        Midwest League (22 - 24 teams)
        1 Promoted
        0 Relegated

        Northwestern League (22 - 24 teams)
        1 Promoted
        0 Relegated

        Pan Handle League (22 - 24 teams)
        1 Promoted
        0 Relegated

        Southern California League (22 - 24 teams)
        1 Promoted
        0 Relegated

        Southern League (22 - 24 teams)
        1 Promoted
        0 Relegated

        Southwestern League (22 - 24 teams)
        1 Promoted
        0 Relegated

        Texas League (22 - 24 teams)
        1 Promoted
        0 Relegated
    There are also 4 cup tournaments:

    Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup (USA FA Cup equivalent)
    Open to all teams in FA
    United States League Cup
    Open to all teams in USA Football League (US League Two and up)
    United States National Cup
    Open to all teams outside of USA Football League (Under US League Two to US National League Division Two)
    United States FA Vase
    Open to all teams in Tiers 8 through 10

    The leagues all start around August 2020 and run to around June 2021 in the first season. I also had to remove and re-create Inter Miami and Nashville SC as they were both hardcoded to use MLS in the first season. If they weren’t recreated then they would have both been unplayable to start the game.

    ***NOTE: It is recommended that you select “Add players to playable teams” from the Advanced Options box when selecting your leagues.***

    TIER 9https://www.mediafire.com/file/b9nyrunh37htdps/FMDigi-USA-ProRel-9TiersV1_0.fmf/file

    NEW TIER 10https://www.mediafire.com/file/6hff5grwg2o6rwu/FMDigi-USA-ProRel-10TiersV2_0.fmf/file

    *** UPDATE FOR 21.4 PATCH ***

    TIER 10 - https://www.mediafire.com/file/3d9k6mlj5tkb0np/FMDigi-USA-ProRel-10TiersV2_2.fmf/file

    ***UPDATE FOR 21.3 PATCH***

    TIER 9 - http://www.mediafire.com/file/6emlfx8zqtnu7ks/FMDigi-USA-ProRel-9TiersV1_1.fmf/file

    TIER 10 - http://www.mediafire.com/file/vesw7dscbfutbqt/FMDigi-USA-ProRel-10TiersV2_1.fmf/file


    TIER 9 - http://www.mediafire.com/file/rmbmj8x17wx76ii/USFLLogos_Tier9_21_3.zip/file

    TIER 10 - http://www.mediafire.com/file/0j06v71u0eziwwg/USFLLogos_Tier10_21_3.zip/file

  12. 15 minutes ago, Daniel Evensen said:

    Apologies for the late reply to this!

    I downloaded this for the first time today and gave it a spin.  It appears that it is incompatible with either of the database updates (either 20.3.0 or 20.4.0) - the game crashes if I try to load either of those.  It does load with the original database, however.

    Thank you very much for your hard work on this!  This certainly seems like a lot more fun than my previous short-lived attempts at MLS saves have been.

    Hey there. I'm glad you're a fan. Try this for 20.0.4 - https://www.mediafire.com/file/j5i42y9jmpk6ppf/FMDigi-USA-ProRel-9Tiers_v200_20.0.4.fmf/file

    Also I did see a situation at times where you have to specifically set the start date on the country choose screen as for some reason it doesn't pull one in by default. That might fix the game crash. 

    Lastly, now that the editor is fixed, I will be releasing the FM21 version of this soon so keep an eye out. 

  13. On 06/12/2020 at 14:32, baasblack said:

    USA seems to start in my save also in 2021 its strange, also there seems no way to build a pyramid system for the U19 teams. 

    When I try to create the u19 pyramid, the editor does only load the normal leagues not the U19 leages, only visible when i try to add a cup in edit nation rule. 

    Nashville and Inter Miami not playable and when i look them up i can see they are still linked to the MLS even when I also deleted it from my database. 

    So those 2 clubs are somehow hard coded to be in MLS. 

    Thats why its impossible to verify the database in advanced rules settings. 

    Previous problems i also had to experience in fixture dates are messed up in combination with world wide Champions League. 


    I am having the same issue with Nashville and Inter Miami being hardcoded to MLS when I have deleted any mention of MLS in the DB that I can find. It seems so weird to do something like that knowing that the editor exists for the sole purpose of allowing the flexibility to make updates and change things to our hearts' desires. Hopefully this is looked at and resolved quickly. 

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