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Everything posted by Digijustin

  1. Thank you for the update on this @Neil Brock. Makes sense that it has wide ramifications but I'm glad to know it's getting proper attention.
  2. So I understand that you guys are busy but it's been since launch day that I reported this and as a fellow developer, I would think that changing the text of an error message would be easy. I get it that this isn't a top priority but what are the priorities? There have been 2 updates since I reported this one and it's still here. I check back every so often on my other reported bugs to see when I can start playing the game I want but find it interesting that this isn't fixed yet. I'm obviously not privied to your development environment but in every program I've ever worked in, this is just a string that needs to be updated. I'm sure it's a localized string as well but it's just a redirect so you can even use a bit.ly link I know I sound petty complaining about a broken link in a crash log message but I feel if you aren't taking this seriously, how can I expect you to take other bugs seriously? I do enjoy this game but I want to play with my DB and it's been 40+ days now and I'm still waiting. Every day that goes by is a day I grow further away from playing the game I loved.
  3. This is why the PGE should be a part of the beta I feel. I get that bugs like this slip through the cracks but to have this released as good like this doesn't make sense. Every day the issues in the PGE that go unfixed just push me further and further from playing this game.
  4. I actually submitted a bug for that FM21 link (that actually goes to a site I don't think SI owns anymore) but I find it interesting that they weren't able to fix it with the last fix.
  5. Would you be able to share your DB with me as I'm curious as to what you did to get this to work. Either it's not working for me or you did something different than me.
  6. Interesting @V2023. I read through that thread and got an idea. I scrapped all the leagues in USA and created 2 to test and added only 2 new teams that I created to each. So basically 4 teams in total in USA. I created 2 versions of the DB, Basic and Advanced. The Basic one passes testing but upon starting a new save, I get the dreaded popup about "Empty Discipline Rules" again. But the save will still start but I'm not sure how it'll last. The Advanced one failed on validation the same as already reported and doesn't validate. None of the teams have any reserve teams and there are no reserve leagues. I was hopeful that this would be the fix for me but I don't think it is. I'm hoping SI is working on this and comes out with a fix soon. Game isn't playable at the moment and that sucks.
  7. I can confirm this as well. I tested with DBs I created with old version of FM23 and newly created DBs today. I know you can't tell us when to expect a fix but is this issue being worked on?
  8. I also wonder if there may be differences in playing versus simming as I simmed mine about 15 years and everything looked good but not sure if I was to play, there wouldn't be issues that occur.
  9. Yeah I simmed a while and didn't see anything funky. I do worry about how the game works in later years. Still hoping to get a fix soon from SI as there are many of us waiting for this.
  10. Yeah you have Basic Rules I am guessing. I can still play but I don't know how the game will hold up after a while.
  11. Thank you so much Jimmy. I think it's also happening with Canada as well. I have done the exact same test with Canada in place of USA and gotten the same "Discipline Error" popup. Don't have those files anymore as I deleted them. Also I know it's a stretch but I feel bad just complaining on here but I don't really know of any other way to getting it fixed. But I am a developer as well so if there's anything I can do to help, I would gladly do that.
  12. There is one in the original post on this bug. But I just uploaded 3 more that I created today after the Editor update: UpdatedEditor_USATest_Basic.fmf - This was a new one created today post update that validates but has the same error as above UpdatedEditor_USATest_ADV.fmf - This is the Basic one with just Adv Rules added. Errored while validating but told me an issue with Canadian Cup not having enough teams. I remember this as an issue with FM22 so I readded MLS and put the Canadian teams back into them and it failed while validating with an error about "Rule group has empty discipline rules" when they are not empty. This has been reported a few times I've seen. UpdatedEditor_USATest_ToBasic1.fmf - This is the Advanced Rules one but just switched back to basic rules. It tests fine but gets the same error on starting a new game.
  13. Okay. From what I can see it wasn't in the update made today is that correct @Zachary Whyte? Because it's still happening.
  14. Hi Zachary, is this something that will be getting fixed soon? Waiting to start a save on this and was hoping for an idea.
  15. Well thank you. I have been trying to see where it is happening in hopes that I can help the SI team if needed. But good luck and hopefully SI releases a new update that sorts this issue out soon.
  16. Okay well I just did the same test for Germany as I did for USA and Canada and it worked without getting that error. I'd be willing to bet if you removed the US teams your DB might work but it would be interesting to see what SI has to say about this.
  17. I have the same issue, reported it and as far as I know, they are working on it. Out of curiosity, what nation did you use to get this? For me, I get it with Canada and USA.
  18. I know it's tough to say but is there any idea of when something would be released? I'm waiting to play FM23 for this
  19. Thank you Abdullah. I know this isn't my bug to track but I've had the same issue. I just added 2 editor files to your share: USARulesTest.fmf - Basic Rules that validate but upon starting a new save, I get the same error as OP posted. USARulesTest_Adv.fmf - The Advanced Rules version of the USARulesTest.fmf but upon validating, I get an error I have mentioned here. Both of these files are DBs started from scratch with FM23 editor.
  20. Yeah same for me. With Advanced Rules, it won't verify but with Basic Rules, it will but you see this error on each game start and even if you reload the game later. I really hope it's fixed soon as now it seems to be a deal with editing USA.
  21. Another update to this. I reverted my DB to use basic rules and it validated and when I start a game or load this same game, I get the issue stated in another ticket here. So today I wanted to bring back in the Advanced Rules into the DB and as soon as I changed the DB to use Advanced Rules and then verified, I get the exact same issue as above. I'd like to know if there is an expected fix coming to this anytime in the near future as I want to play with my DB but don't want to settle for a lesser version of my DB yet.
  22. I also checked my league and the Disciplinary Rules are showing fine from what I can see. Just seems like the error popup is incorrect but let me know.
  23. I have reported earlier error when trying to verify rules in advanced rules but I kicked it back to Basic Rules and it tested correctly and when I start a new game, I get this error. It still works to create the game. This also comes up when loading this same game. I have looked for the Discipline Rules and they are set as seen in the screenshot attached. There are no other places to deal with discipline that I can see.
  24. In my other reported bug, I got this error while using the Test Competitions screen. Clicking on "Create New Test" crashes the editor and shows this error. I didn't report it as it also has the same popups as in that other bug. )
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