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25 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. hi @stevemc About the stadiums on schedule screen. Is it possilbe to add a default stadium picture on it? Because after some years, some clubs may have a new stadium with new UID. If a default stadium can be shown that will be great. Thank you!
  2. STR-420968 This attribute reflects the goalkeeper's inclination to punch the ball clear in situations where he could perhaps attempt to catch the ball. 这个属性反映了球员罚定位球的能力,包括定位球射门和将球从深位或边路传到危险区域。 这句翻译在基准的ltc里翻译是对的,但是在changes目录下的翻译文本中,完全翻译错了。
  3. STR-433407 This attribute reflects the goalkeeper's tendency to do the unexpected with or without the ball. 这个属性反映了守门员在有球或无球情况下作出出人意料行为的能力。 STR-433408 This attribute reflects the goalkeeper's tendency to come off his line to react to through balls and crosses. 这个属性反映了守门员离开防守位置去处理直传球和传中的能力。 这是门将属性的解释,本意是“倾向”,被误翻译成了“能力”。
  4. Did you copy this one? match title bar.xml4.82 kb · 5 downloads
  5. match title bar.xml You can try to put this file to panels\match and see will it fix it or not.
  6. STR-473481 [%person#1-surname] has birthday to forget [%male#1-surname]在生日吃到一场败仗 [%female#1-surname]在生日吃到一场败仗 用词不准,不一定是败仗,可能是平局
  7. Really nice scoreboard!! How to make it faded?
  8. I've no idea. Maybe your skin and the score board have some compatibility issue.
  9. The colours of the team name & score number follow the team colour which are not always white.
  10. STR-431166 Am told that the [%male#2]/[%club#1-short] story has legs and that they did indeed watch him very recently. 我听说[%male#2]和[%club#1-short]可能会再续前缘,球队最近确实在观察这名球员。 STR-431171 Am told that the [%male#2]/[%club#1-short] story has legs. 我听说[%male#2]和[%club#1-short]可能会再续前缘。 story has legs被翻译成了“再续前缘”,明显有误,应该是XX与XX的传闻还将继续。
  11. STR-412981 [%number#25-text]year-old[%position#1-lowercase][%male#1]为[%team#1-short]冷静地打入一粒点球,这是他全场比赛表现的缩影,[%club#2][%job#2][%male#2]也对潜在转会目标的表现感到满意。 STR-412982 [%number#25-text]year-old[%position#1-lowercase][%male#1]虽然吃牌了但是全场表现活跃,看台上前来观战的[%club#2][%job#2][%male#2]会为他的进球感到高兴。 STR-412983 [%number#25-text]year-old[%position#1-lowercase][%male#1]为[%team#1-short]打入一球并活跃全场,让包括[%club#2][%job#2][%male#2]在内的所有人兴奋异常。 xx year-old未翻译成“xx岁的”
  12. And one more thing is to copy this file to the folder below to show the red card __skin_folder__\graphics\boxes\custom\solid
  13. Put the xml/png/ttf files in the folders below. __skin_folder__\panels\match\match score area panel.xml __skin_folder__\panels\match\tangfu\match score area panel Premier League.xml __skin_folder__\graphics\tangfu\scoreboard\*.png __skin_folder__\fonts\*.ttf
  14. sure match score area panel Premier League.xml match score area panel.xml
  15. STR-483317 Players trained by [%team#1-short] or trained in [%nation#1-short] for [%number#2] years before [%number#4-nth] birthdays STR-483318 Players trained at the club or trained in same nation for [%number#2] years before [%number#4-nth] birthdays STR-483317 在[%number#3-nth]岁前在[%team#1-short]或同国家/地区受训满[%number#2]年的球员 STR-483318 在[%number#3-nth]岁前在本俱乐部或同国家/地区受训满[%number#2]年的球员 年龄变量错误;另外,第一句把[%nation#1-short]改成‘同国家’,个人觉得有待商榷
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