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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. The champions league starts in one year and ends in another and i can't know if it's referring to when the season ends or starts.
  2. Except that's not how the conversations go. There have never been 2 offers of more money. I try to convince citing atmosphere, grass isn't greener, all that stuff, and if they don't accept that only then do i offer more money. In that context, i maintain this does not make any sense in the slightest.
  3. Gotta be honest, i'm at a loss for words. And please don't take this personally but i kinda don't believe you. For this to be true, that means that since this started happening it has been the only response I've gotten for over a decade of in game time and countless conversations. It has never been so consistently the same in any other previous FM. But more importantly, if this is how it's supposed to be that means this nonsensical conversation would have been designed this way and approved by someone, that's baffling... It's perfectly reasonable to offer a better contract to a player, it's not doubling down it's exploring options. No human responds to that offer this way, it doesn't even address the offer, just "i'm not happy, you suck, bye". That said, thanks for the help, i do appreciate it, i really do, and i know none of this is on you. I'm just somehow more upset now than i was before when i thought it was an error. Errors can be fixed, poor design, especially in FM games, rarely get fixed.
  4. Just uploaded a file called "Andrés Óskarsson - Ægir 38" Player Luis Arroyo currently has an issue and wants to discuss it. Select the option that is in the top row furthest to the right, he will not be convinced. Then select the "I can see i'm not going to convince you, will a pay raise tempt you to stay?", that's when the bug appears.
  5. They accept the request but i never get a reply, the option to ask for it doesn't disappear like happens with all other requests, and if i click on it again immediately after nothing happens that time. I think this is affecting the caliber of set piece coaches i am able to get, it's the one category i do not have 4+ stars in. Don't know if this was an issue in the beginning, don't know how to started. My save is from the open beta/early access period. Maybe that has something to do with it.
  6. It always bugs out and the conversation immediately ends after that with them saying they're a professional so they won't make a big deal out of this. They never accept or reject the offer, they just leave in a huff. This happens every time and for a long time now in my save. I don't know how it started to go wrong, all i know it that it seems to be permanent. Don't know if this bug tracker thing is for solutions or if i'm just reporting stuff without any help in return. But i would like some help if that's possible.
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