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Zemahh last won the day on October 27 2020

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1,674 "That'll do Pig, that'll do"

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  1. No, no, plug-and-play gegenpress tactics are a thing of the past, remember?
  2. Thing with this is, there has to be some level of difficulty to loans. If you agreed to play a player in a GK role, you're breaking the contract by playing him as a SK. Loans shouldn't be too easy to exploit, there has to be something that is making you put at least some kind of thought into it.
  3. With a Balanced Mentality combined with some of your Out Of Possession instructions, you're inviting a lot of pressure onto yourself and restricting yourself to just a few chances per game. Are you sure your team is good enough to be able to withstand that kind of continued pressure and capitalize on every counter-attack you get? Personally, I would trim back some of those instructions, Balanced Mentality can already be conservative enough as it is, so when you combine it with Much Lower Defensive Line, Much Less closing down and a Low Block, you start tapping into extremes. Other than that, your roles look sound, I would only make two slight changes: DLPde -> DLPsu (equalize his individual Mentality with the rest of the midfield, meaning he will defend in a line with the rest of them, rather than drop down too deep creating a gap, and encourage him to bring balls out of defence more willingly) Change one Wsu -> WMsu (one pace-monster hugging the line and spamming crosses can often be enough, a WMsu on the other side might improve your possession numbers and allow you to create chances more methodically, when the counter isn't on)
  4. Two friendlies per week, let assistant take care of them. Lazy as hell, but never had an issue.
  5. Doesn't sound like you're doing too bad! Other than that, here's some general tips I would give to anyone looking to improve at FM: Learn how to exploit the match engine (aggressive tactics tend to do the best, check out Knap's thread for some inspiration) Look at the bigger picture instead of getting caught up on individual highlights (find out whether you're conceding too many goals or not scoring enough and adapt accordingly) Personnel > Tactics (spend majority of your time on looking for better players, tactics become redundant once your squad is good enough) Do manual scouting instead of relying on your scouts (scroll through youth international teams, top clubs from obscure nations, request reports on players that stand out because of their young age) Mind you, if you're looking for immersion, these tips might not be for you. In that case, simply take it at your own pace and enjoy the game, but if you're looking strictly for better results, the above is where I'd start. Each to their own, some enjoy playing the game as realistically as possible, others enjoy blasting through seasons and get their enjoyment from outperforming the game.
  6. With this being one of the most expensive FMs in the recent years (if not the the most expensive one, probably due to the fact ShopTo was no longer an option if you wanted Beta access), and there being little to no updates during the Beta or on the release itself, it really is hard not feeling like a proper mug purchasing it.
  7. He posted it in another thread already and it was horrendous, as you would expect. IIRC, a 4-3-3 with a bunch of Playmakers and multiple Advanced Forwards, your typical balls to the wall setup. A classic case of...
  8. If you would buy new FM every five years, you would miss absolutely nothing of substance. Don't know what I expected, to be fair.
  9. Don't worry guys, "Gegenpress plug-and-play systems are a thing of the past".
  10. Zoungrana: Pacey with decent Traits, however, with Crossing and Dribbling of 5 and 6 respectively, he's unlikely to ever be good enough Salim: Strictly left-footed, so unlikely to be able to play out wide on the right Mohammed: Okayish Pace, but very poor Off The Ball, Dribbling and Crossing, all of which are crucial for a good Wing-Back Honestly, not the best bunch to choose from, if you're looking for a WB. Personally, I would look to sign someone better with following characteristics: Acceleration, Pace, Work Rate > 12 Off The Ball, Dribbling, Crossing > 10 Right Foot > Strong That would be my starting point, depending on how many options show up.
  11. Download software like ShareX, OBS Studio, or similar and record them manually.
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