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26 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. I’m fascinated to see how this pans out for you. As a huge Chelsea fan, I’ve tried and failed with Chelsea on this years FM. Can’t seem to make anything work, but I’m starting to think that it’s just Chelsea aren’t very good on the game. I’ve noticed that in nearly everyone’s posts when posting league table positions etc… you always see Chelsea mid table across the board. Now I’m not saying they are impossible to manage but it’s definitely something I’ve noticed a lot when reading other peoples posts or when looking at videos of people posting their tactics
  2. Hi! I’ve decided to give your original tactic a go in fm23, playing some lovely football but being carved open to easily. In the new version you can’t set the team instruction for tighter marking, would you add mark tighter to each player instead on the player instructions?
  3. Great read! For a club DNA for this style of play what would you say the core Attributes are for Technical mental and physical.
  4. Love this thread! How are you getting on so far? I’ve nearly made it through to the end of January and somehow kept hold of ugarte, Pedro G and Coates despite relentless bidding from big clubs for them. Won’t accept anything less than their buy out clauses! Joint top with benfica on points, knocked out of champions league on head to head to head but made it into the Europa. any advice for the games against the big 2 in the league and away from home in Europe? do you make any changes to tactic ?
  5. Hi guys, I’ve just loaded up a benfica save on fm23. I’m looking to do a youth development save as I’ve never really bothered with one before and this thread has inspired me to do so. I’ve noticed each squad is quite heavily loaded with players, is there a way I can clear out a lot of these players especially in the u23 u19 and B team for free or is is gonna cost me to release all the dead wood?
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