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Everything posted by Scribe

  1. Congratulations on the league title, a great achievement!
  2. Great stuff. Shame to miss out on Europe in that way, but it'll come soon I'm sure.
  3. Looks like I should never have worried about your finances! It'll be interesting to see if and when your chairman stops selling players over your head.
  4. I did not know this existed! Glad to see the finances are stable, even if in the red now.
  5. Very interesting career so far. I'm enjoying the read
  6. I'm into 2042 and Alloa are the biggest club in the World. The reputation of the league hasn't changed much, if at all, and I think that contributes to my youth intakes being generally quite poor. Having said that, I do have one player in my first XI that came through my youth system. He was born in Glasgow.
  7. Interesting that so many of your players are from Alloa. In my game I'm managing Alloa and in my current squad I have just one player born in the town out of some 17 Scots that have come through my academy - Stirling (6) and Falkirk (5) are most popular.
  8. Go away with all your evidence! I much prefer "me see unambitious players, me blame unambitious HOYD".
  9. Time to look for a new HOYD surely. Too many unambitious players
  10. Congratulations on the success so far. I grew up not so far from Tullibody and I'm currently managing their biggest local team Alloa in my save, so have been following with some interest. I don't think I could ever bring myself to hire a HOYD with unambitious personality! Having said that, the ones I do hire with good personalities don't seem to make the slightest difference in my youth intake personalities, so you might be right. Despite being pretty youth focused myself, my WWY attribute was fairly low too, but when I started praising the Under 18's training performance a bit more it seemed to lift it up.
  11. If it's over, then it was fun while it lasted. I think I'd be quitting the save in these circumstances.
  12. Seems extremely harsh treatment, even by FM standards. I think the game might be struggling to cope with the league set-up.
  13. Interesting theory - will be interested to see how it pans out!
  14. I've just been catching up on this. Glad to see you getting a new contract after that blip. I've experienced similar managing Alloa in my Scottish save - having lots of unhappy players all training or playing poorly really started to put my job under threat. In the end I agreed to just sell them but now I'm left with a weaker team but the board expectations remaining high after some good years had meant I was always expected to win the league. It's a meant I've taken a bit of a change in approach in buying ready made players instead of youth to develop but you obviously don't have that option. Thankfully your youth conveyor belt just keeps rolling out player after player!
  15. OK, that nickname thing is extremely odd because it's there in your second post on page 1 of this thread...
  16. Good job on the new contract for Suárez. Hopefully you'll have enough money to do the deals you want to with others after the huge spend on new facilities.
  17. I almost bought an Envigado shirt once. I used to play a weekly game of 5s and one team would always wear orange bibs. I needed a shirt, any shirt, that I could wear to avoid those horrible bibs that no one ever washed. The shirt was out of stock in the end so I never did get it. All the best in the save 👍
  18. Congrats on the Europa League! I reckon it's corners you need to work on to make the board happy about set pieces.
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