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Posts posted by YUK0N

  1. I started my beta in wales (RHYL) first season went to the premier league, the next season won the premier league and welsh cup, i can't a get job anywhere. Funny thing is my home country USA and for some reason the premier league will always give me interviews and then tell me that i didn't make the cut becuase of better applicants but then I go to the vanamara league or any other league and the say they wont qualify me because they've never heard of me. I have the top license and won 3 trophy's and one cup. I think there is a bug there and I'm gonna have to restart and leave my beta save... I should have knew better.

  2. At faster speed a game takes me 35 mins. Unfortunately I'm disabled so I can play this way. I feel I see the whole game I can see patterns now I can tell where I need to make changes. Nothing that I did in 2019 is working in 2020 but I think thats partially the team I have now compared to what I did have in a team I built for 8 (in game) years. To me there is no other way to play this game if you have the patience and time but I understand most don't. I am impressed by the match engine this year... If they get the tweaks right I really think this will be the best ME yet. As for the rest of it, there truly is nothing I would have updated for, but since I see the update to the ME improving I'm content, they just gotta get the kinks in the game worked out. So far the development center to me is underwhelming and is at most times an after thought. I liked it better when I could just click on my team or B_team or under 21's or under 18's. Now its just a bunch of clicks to see something thats not useful to you... yet... Maybe the future will prove me wrong.

  3. I watch every game but I watch it in faster speed not normal speed. Even friendly's I have to watch the games. I am 8 years in on my Plymouth save on 2019. Now I'm in the 2020 beta. The normal speed seems like there in slow motion, even worse then slow motion. You have to speed the game up to just under faster to even make it seem the players are realistically playing... But then that really isn't realistic because the time is speed up but the players are at a normal pace... Kinda weird really. But Im the same I can only play in watching full matches. I doubt I would even play this game if you couldn't do so. I have over 4000 hours in 2019. I have nothing against anyone who likes to play in 2D, to each there own.

  4. Quote

    If this is hinting at a revamp of the social media as a big focus then I'm pretty zoned out. I set every new game to skip the social media page, does absolutely nothing for me.

    Granted if it's your bag then great but there are other areas that are much bigger deal breakers for me.

    I could not agree more. If this is some kind of in game Twitter upgrade many will not be impressed. Twitter on its own is a crap show. Why have it anymore then we do already in a soccer game while not fixing the things we've been asking for over and over again. This alone literally stopped my preorder and unless I hear anything news about considerable updates I may just stay with 2019. Still happy with my 12 season campaign. Its not worth the purchase if they ask us what we want and then do something like this. Yes I'm getting ahead of myself and I'm still holding out for the better but that video this morning was just plain depressing.

  5. i was born in 1965 and playing PONG at 5 this isn't a pissing contest I was exaggerating on purpose. So instead of arguing  with you Im done with the post Ive seen twice as much gaming in my time to know when something is in trouble. Especially when people wait for the price comedown to even buy the game now and then wish they hadn't because of the let down. This game is in trouble. The players know it at least some, I know it and the SI knows it and if they don't then its really in trouble cause if you get a few more just patched versions it's  gonna be done. Its My Prediction that I truly would hate to see. Im done responding to this and I really hope SI take note, Better yet I'm praying they already have long ago and that's what the wait is for.

  6. Quote

    "The ME needs fixing."

    "What specifically needs fixing?"

    "The ME needs fixing and upgrading."

    You can't be serious right? Because if you are then I doubt you play in 3d as do others. When your seeing one thing and something else is what really happened. When you see graphics and animations glitch or just happen because the right animation isn't in there anyways. Its no where like what real soccer is like. And its outdated and it looks like its from 1990. If Fifa or Pes ever really did a Manager mode close to the depth of this game this game would be finished. I watch every game on faster speed even my friendly's. And after a while you notice other things to that you would not notice if you watch 2D and switch to 3D for highlights. Ive got almost 4000 hours in it and over ten straight seasons of watching every match. When you do that you realize the game is very unrealistic, you realize the engine is way outdated and and when you see it not being being fixed year after year and you see other games heading in the Manager mode way you realize that this game doesn't have a lot of time left and that's truly something I don't want to see happen.

  7. The FM engine it needs fixing and upgrading. And yes I know that the career mode has hardly been changed but from whats being said there really hoping this year that there have made bigger progress towards this. I doubt it will ever be as indept as FM but who knows.

  8. Fifa has come out with a manager mode. Not sure how big this is for FM players like us, But I have to say I will be defiminately checking it out for that reason. I said this a few months ago the big guys were coming after this game and want the people who play this to switch over and this years Fifa is the first sign of them really taken a turn towards that. And if and once they get it they'll ruin it like everything else. I'm still gonna check it out as I'm sure others will but will give SI one more year to see if the improvements are there... The engine needs fixing.



  9. i delegate training but get emails every week and then change it to what I want for each squad. It makes it easier to really do it yourself but also be reminded everyweek to make changes you might feel need to be made. On individual training I will let the coach start it and I will adjust it every week if I feel needed. I never use a GM i once lost one of my best players to him selling them which was still my fault for having the wrong setting on but I won;t use them anymore nonetheless. I do all contracts myself, Now if I could just get the owner out of the way......  They should have an option where you can purchase a team if you want. I'd love to purchase like a VNLS or VNLN team and manage them as far as I can while owning them also.

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