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Everything posted by Mickybricks14

  1. This might sound stupid but given the teams have just had thirty minutes off why do they need half time? Can't they just do like in extra time HT quick huddle by the touchline change ends and get going again?
  2. Spain Italy last night has been the only good late kick off. all the rest have been absolute dug meat
  3. I think the BBC need to be stricter on where you can pick players on their squad selector
  4. ???*, Ivan Klasnic, Robert kovac, Niko kranjcar, ???**, josip simunic, dario simic, Igor Tudor, dado prso, stipe pletikosa and Niko kovac *Can't remember his name but he played for Bayern lb/cm **No idea on this guy whatsoever though
  5. Japan were awful going forward once maeda went off. Asano had zero hold up play
  6. Bbc one managed to go a whole five minutes without bringing them up
  7. Aussies playin five defenders and five forwards. not winning first balls and no one to compete for the second one so it's just wave after wave of Argentina counters
  8. That's one of the best worst goals ever. Sliced it over his own shoulder and the keeper 😂
  9. Ferdinand and Richards amplify this. Far too concerned with being everyone's mate to offer critical analysis. In contrast people love Roy Keane because he doesn't give af and just tells it like he sees it
  10. I think only Qatar and Canada were knocked out after two rounds and only France, Brazil and Portugal were through. so plenty of teams had a chance of making the knockout stage with the right results
  11. How many goals have been scored in stoppage time? Maybe they should bring it in to domestic football
  12. I know he's not everyone's favourite commentator but that's a bit harsh on Dion Dub.....oh Infantino fair enough then 😂
  13. How can you beat Germany and Spain but lose to Costa Rica?! As a great man once said: Football bloody hell
  14. There was a game between Italy and the Soviet Union at the first or second Euros decided by coin toss
  15. They played each other in Russia 2018 and it was the worst match of the tournament...until Denmark played france
  16. Honestley no idea. The only non british ref names that came to mind were Daniele orsato(who isn't the guy I thought he was*) and cuneyt cakir (I had to Google Turkish referee to find out his surname and turns out he's no longer a ref anyway) I don't know if not knowing the names of referees is because I watch less football than I used to or because they're better at not being the centre of attention when they make mistakes (although people blaming var rather than refs directly might also be a factor) *I thought Roberto rosetti was orsato. Rosetti is also no longer an active referee
  17. Taylor one of the best refs in Europe? Jonathan Pearce already talking pish
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