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autohoratio last won the day on October 21 2022

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836 "You're gonna need a bigger boat"

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  1. Because football management isn't a one-size-fits-all approach. There's no singular "right" way to manage a team.
  2. An option like "Our starting [Full Back/CB/DM/etc] is injured, so I might need to play you in that position in the next few games" would be really good too
  3. @Zachary Whyte this video might be useful as well if the match engine team haven't seen it yet, particularly the out of possession phase - at 10:10 in the video Maresca talks about how the full back will stay inverted when the team loses the ball to try and win it back aggressively, until/unless the opponent can string together 5+ passes.
  4. I think the Aerial Defenders and Trackers were set to Go Back by my assistant when I first set up the routines on the first day of Beta, but I can't remember 😅 I've set both Trackers and two Aerial Defenders to Player Mark now so I'll see if that works better.
  5. Am I doing something wrong with my set piece defending (it's never been something I'm particularly good at) or is this a bug? Four defenders assigned to two attackers on the (camera's) left, only one defender on the right left to deal with two attackers. Inevitably the unmarked attacker scores a free header. 2023-11-30 Weird Free Kick Marking.mp4 My Wide Free Kick defending setup: The defender at the far post (Jóhannsson) was set to A3 so I'm not sure what exactly happened here.
  6. That row sorting bug has been in the game for years, so annoying. Just like the columns that get randomly resized to be ridiculously wide and then messes everything up when you try to fix the size, it's been reported in every single FM since 2018 iirc
  7. 99.9% of the time it's just FM. It's a weird behaviour (I don't want to say bug because it might be a feature ) that the game chooses the shortest and widest possible extreme (90m long 85m wide) for some stadiums when there isn't a minimum or maximum defined length/width (so it's absurdly common when playing lower league saves), I reported it as a bug several years ago but evidently it's not high up on SI's priorities to stop AI managers doing this.
  8. The DoF also operates on their own separate player knowledge system to the rest of the scouting team, which I've always found funny. You ask them to suggest a transfer target and you'll be given a list of players you have 0% scouting knowledge of
  9. no, they removed the in-game video recording function a few years ago because it was a buggy mess that kept crashing the game. You can use OBS to record clips instead
  10. I mentioned this either last year or the year before, but it's a gripe I still have with the Data Hub that hasn't been changed: "might be worth checking", "are worth a look" or the several other phrases that are used, aren't useful at all. Why are they worth checking? What makes them interesting? Either remove the sentence entirely (for example, for some reason some stats like Defensive Efficiency, below, already don't have that sentence) or change them all to be actually informative - the summary for Defensive Actions for example does provide some useful information: For example, for the Goal Output statistic, the summary could say "We score at a much higher rate than the league average" or "We concede slightly less than the league average", or Crossing could be "We attempt crosses about as often as the league average" or "Our cross completion rate is concerning as it is the worst in the league"
  11. Sol would probably never apply for a U21 Manager either, he's always said he thinks he deserves to be managing a senior side without having to cut his teeth as a coach or youth team manager But having said that I wouldn't put it past him to be oblivious to why he's not exactly a revered figure at Spurs either, and just apply for the job as if he never left to join Arsenal in the first place
  12. Appreciate the clarification! In that case, I think either having a message saying "Assistant will only assign players with a Long Throws Attribute of 15 or greater", or being able to customise the threshold (e.g. Long Throws of 13 or 14 can still be viable) would be really helpful but that would of course need to be a feature request
  13. Maybe it's because the team I'm playing with isn't particularly good (top half Danish Superliga) in terms of player quality, but I haven't found that to be the case. IWBs both on my and AI teams haven't been dominating the matches, their match ratings have been about as expected, and it's not a magic "give your team 70% possession" button either as I've been on the losing side of the possession battle as much as I have the winning side.
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