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  1. knap i have deportivo La Coruña in 1st div., one of the best 5-6 team, need a tactic with most striker or strikers goals. which on has the highest # goals for sc?
  2. Hi knap. I have made a greek team a top 4 champions league team and is set up as a flat 442. Is ME24SLOEGINKnap442ATTMCP103CC the best option for it? It works quite ok just curious if there is an other one with same nice defense but more goals from the 2 sc
  3. hi knap, I have a mid table greek team competing at Europe, which is the best 4231 scoring tactic for a sc? trying to get off the best of my striker currently using ME24.2HEARTBREAKERKnap4231MCP104ALLCUPS , all well, leading the league, but just looking if there is a better tactic and more efficient for the sc
  4. hi , love your playing styles! With 1 striker on top and 4 defenders and wingers , which is the most productive tactic for sc in terms of goals?
  5. hey knap, which 433 or 4231 is the highest scoring for sc with the new m.e update? want to break some records for my sc is it the ME23.2TMEWASKnap4141P103FACC ? or is there an other one?
  6. well happy new update everyone! Dear knap, when possible please update to the new me the : ME23.1HGFKnap451AFP110CC and the ME23.1BEOWULFKnap424IFDMP241P110ECCC As always cheers for all the trouble you are going for all of us
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