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Christopher Lewis

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Issue Comments posted by Christopher Lewis

  1. Hey @bvb1998 - Can you try this workaround and let me know if this works for you? Can you get a save game from just before you get the squad registration inbox item and take control of Team Selection? To do this, select Staff -> Responsibilities -> Take Control of Handles Team Selection for the first team. Think this should be a good workaround for now while we get a proper fix for release.

  2. Hey @C0unt and @o.tomi0222 can you try a bit of a workaround for me? Can you get a save game from just before you get the squad registration inbox item and take control of Team Selection? To do this, select Staff -> Responsibilities -> Take Control of Handles Team Selection for the first team. 

    I've tried this on the save you provided @C0unt and it seems to let you register the squad as per usual when you have control. Thanks :) 

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