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Posts posted by Nyron

  1. Glad you posted this - I played with almost the exact same tactic on FM16 and have spent years trying to recreate it. Wingbacks were massively OP then and were my main source of assists. 

    Think I will try and recreate it in FM22 (fits my current save perfectly), but for now here's what I remember from my FM16 save.

    I had almost exactly the same roles and duties - 4141, BBM and AP(A), DLF(A). Not sure if HBs were in the game then but I used an Anchor to sit in front of the centre backs and mop up in front of them. IWs definitely weren't a thing then so I used a WPM on one side and either a winger on support our defensive winger on the other. I set width to narrow which was key - in defence we had a very compact and narrow 4141 that didn't concede many chances, in attack the LM and RM became the pivots, they would contribute in defence and attack, draw out the opposition and create overloads for the wingbacks to bomb on which in turn created space for the BBM and AP to join the attack, becoming 2-1-6-1 in transition.

    Personally I think a PF would struggle in that formation, he'll be pressing on his own with no support when really you need someone who'll drop deep and hold the ball up until the others get forward in support. 

  2. I watched City U21s against lower league senior opposition in the Checkatrade 2 years ago and was fascinated by it. They played a more extreme version of Pep's system as they weren't exactly playing to win, more for practice and experience. So the two wide players hugged the touchline and stayed as high and wide as possible, pushing the full backs back. The striker dropped deep and roamed (F9), the central midfielders made runs into the vacant space (Mezzalas), the 16 year old DM pushed forward, pressed and  looked to feed in the midfielders ahead of him (regista perhaps) and the full backs tucked into the vacant DM strata (IWB). It was like watching a perfect FM recreation except there isn't really a generic wide attacking midfielder role that doesn't cut inside towards the box.

  3. Really wish I hadn't opened this thread. Massively jealous as my 2015 MBP sounds like a spaceship taking off and the heat burns my hands, but is otherwise fine for everything else I use bar FM.


    I hate the Windows vs Apple arguments. I would never deny there are better specs out there for the same price, but I love Apple's ecosystem and I've found massive performance issues with every PC I've ever owned after 18-24 months. Its personal preference at the end of the day.

  4. On 26/01/2021 at 16:13, VMX said:

    I think this has been managed very, very poorly by SI from a comms perspective.

    FM20 was released on Stadia, so logically there are many users who expect to buy FM21 there again, or be explicitly told if it's delayed or discarded.

    We're way past the 'delayed' part, but it's OK if the game can't come to Stadia in the end. These things can happen. It's also OK if work is still ongoing (e.g.: negotiations, technical issues, etc.) and can't be confirmed just yet. I think everybody can understand that.

    But I think SI could've done a lot better than just saying "no news" in an obscure tweet months ago, then just radio silence.

    Is it that difficult to write an official (maybe montly) update saying "We're still working with Google to bring the game to Stadia, but we can't guarantee it will make it yet. If it's finally cancelled, we'll let you know."?

    That alone would've made a WORLD of difference to me, and I'm sure many others. At least we would know there's still a chance, and so there's something to wait for (even if it's a cancellation message!). Bonus points if they also explained whether it's about technical issues, commercial negotiations, whatever.

    But the complete and total silence for months just makes it look like they don't care if customers are left wondering and confused, not knowing if they should wait or not. And of course some will give up and buy it on Steam... which they may regret if it ends up coming to Stadia. A 50€ mistake no less. But how could they know? For all we know, the Stadia version could've been cancelled since December! Hell, we don't even know if SI plans to issue any statement at all in case it's cancelled. Maybe they'll just remain silent until FM2022 is released?

    The fact that they accidentally published the Stadia logo in the launch announcement, and then quietly removed it after people pointed it out, was just the icing on the cake. Like, "Yeah, we're actually reading all your messages and we know how angry and confused you all are about our lack of communication. Now let's just remove the logo without saying a word, confirming we're just ignoring you".

    I respect SI immensely, I love their work and I know we're not entitled to anything. They don't owe us any explanations if they don't want to give them. I'm also aware that they're probably stuck between NDAs with Google and other parties, and it's sometimes better to err on the side of caution (been there too).

    But I honestly think this could've been handled better.

    I hope you don't take this as some random angry rant, but for what it actually is: some constructive criticism from a customer who actually thinks you're an awesome company 😉

    Great post. I had intended to get it on Stadia and held off buying it on Steam but caved a few weeks ago. Would have been nice to have had an update one way or another 

  5. I haven't used IFs much on FM20 but on previous versions it worked well. On Attack they would make diagonal runs towards goal but still receive the ball on their stronger foot in the way that Sterling did when he played from the right for Man City under Pep. It was like playing with a very narrow winger who would drift between the width of the box and the 6 yard box.

  6. If PSG or another top club bids for your player, reject the bid. They'll come to you asking why you rejected it. Tell them the finances weren't right but you'll sell them for X amount. Then set the asking price as £1m or something ridiculously low. PSG will then come back with offers around or below £1m but the player will never complain at you rejecting it because they haven't met the agreed asking price. Their performances or morale aren't affected and eventually they'll drop it because nobody ever met the asking price you agreed with them.

  7. I think the issue is (to my knowledge) players don't 'pass' or 'fail' medicals. They have their medical and the doctor outlines any concerns to the club, particularly anything that could cause problems with insurance or is likely to make the player more injury prone. It's then up to the club to either sign them regardless and take the risk (they may choose to renegotiate with the selling club for a lower fee) or call the deal off.

    Think a player with an ACL would flag up massive concerns and it's highly unlikely the club would press ahead until he's fully fit, but it would be nice to have the option to argue your case if he's an important signing rather than it getting cancelled altogether.




  8. What kind of striker are you using for your TM out of interest? I have a similar set up with a DLF and AF but just can't get them to click. My strikers are quick and mobile and the DLF in particular is an excellent allrounder and I had visions of him dropping deep, holding the ball up, laying it off and making runs into box but he just seems to stand on the edge of the box and get marked out the game. Was thinking of trying him as a targetman but was always put off by the fact it's not a 'posession' type of role.

  9. Hi

    When I start a new game I tend to start unemployed and wait until a job becomes available. Usually this happens when a club is struggling against relegation and the challenge is to turn them around and keep them up.

    It would be great if we could input real world results in the editor before starting a new game and start the game at a particular point in the season, I.e. take over Watford in December 2019 with them bottom of the league and try to emulate Pearson by turning them around, or take over Man United the year before (in FM19 obviously) at the point Mourinho left and galvanise them like Solskjaer. This would add an extra element of realism trying to replicate or better real life.

    I realise there is a workaround to do this as FM Scout have a custom start date database where you add an extra league but its quite fiddly and I've had problems in the past where I've completed the season but fixtures haven't generated for the following season.

    I know FM doesn't have the licence for real life fixtures for the Prem but these could be added in the editor in the same way real fixtures can be downloaded. Enabling this through the editor would allow players to create their own scenarios if they didn't want to recreate real results. 

  10. On 02/01/2020 at 22:52, wooders12 said:

    I have found the folder for but there is not tactic folder in there do i need to create one. 

    I am using a Macbook. 

    I had the same problem and it was infuriating. I could find the folder through Finder no problem but Sports Interactive was nowhere to be seen in Application Support when you try to load through FM.

    FM actually tries to load the wrong folder - you have to go back as far as you can then go to Users > Your username > Library > Application Support > Sports Interactive. FM by default tries to open Users > Library > Application Support and there is no Sports Interactive folder in there.

    If there is no tactics folder then yes you can create one if you want but it makes no difference as FM will find the tactic as long as it's saved anywhere in Application Support. 

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