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Everything posted by FM-Lee

  1. IMG_3931.mov I keep constantly having these flashes pop up quickly as shown in the video attached and they’re usually accompanied by lagging and stuttering. I am playing on a 2021 MacBook Pro M1 Max 32GB. This constant lagging and stuttering during the matches is driving me mad. I’ve updated the MacBook to its latest software and it’s actually got worse after temporarily getting better. Im no tech expert so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  2. I’m still experiencing ME issues, and I’ve noticed it’s worse the later into the match it is. I’m guessing it’s starting to throttle as it gets too hot. Does anyone have any suggestions over a cooling device that would be good for a 16” MacBook Pro as I’m struggling to find one.
  3. I paid more than I could afford for a 2021 M1 Max 32GB MacBook Pro, I was assured it would run FM with absolute ease. People joked that I could probably run every league and nation, and yet the match engine is so poor it puts me off playing. I paid £51 for the game and editor for me to not even want to play it. I’ve had similar issues over the past few versions of FM, I assumed my Dell XPS 2 in 1 perhaps didn’t have a graphics card powerful enough, so I upgraded to the MP and I’m still having issues. The common denominator here is FM. The game I play more than any other and I no longer want to play it.
  4. Would it have any impact whatsoever, if you purchased the game through Epic as opposed to Steam? I’ve always used Steam but willing to try anything.
  5. This is the message I’ve just sent them, I hope they take this issue as seriously as we do. I have had this Mac since April, Football Manager tan absolutely perfectly on it for months, until I started noticing very slight jittering and lag during matches. I checked to see if there was an update, there was for the MacOS, so I updated to Ventura and it was much worse, the only solution I could find was the match engine was much smoother in Windowed Mode for some reason, however, that's not how I like to play the game. I downloaded the FM23 demo to see if there was an improvement, there was, so I purchased the full game and it played fine, until a little while later I noticed the slight lag coming back. After some feedback from a Sports Interactive member on the forum I took the overlay off in Steam and put in the commands suggested and it improved, but about 2/3 into the matches, it really starts lagging terribly and slows down completely, then improves, then does the same again. I've been a loyal customer since FM08 and have loved this game. One of the main reasons I paid such a large price for this MacBook Pro was because I asked many users and they ensured FM would run flawlessly on such a powerful machine, yet I'm having worse performance than I did with older FMs on a very modest laptop that I had at the time. Please could you fix this issue as it's affecting my enjoyment massively and putting me off future games if this isn't going to be corrected. Thanks
  6. I have a 32GB M1 Max MacBook Pro. Towards the end of FM22 I was having some issues with the smoothness of the match engine, particularly after updating to Ventura. The only fix was to play in Windowed Mode, it was noticeably smoother then. I downloaded the demo of 23 and it ran fine in standard mode, so I bought the game and it was running fine, until it randomly went back to being choppy and stuttering for no apparent reason. Yet again, the problem improves in Windowed Mode, however, that’s not how I like to play the game. I’ve tested it on the highest graphics and the lowest graphics and its the same for both. Can anyone help as the Mac was very expensive and FM is my favourite game, and to be put off playing it is a massive shame. I’ve taken overlay off and put the command in, it improved slightly but will then get incredibly choppy, calm down, then get choppy again during matches Thanks.
  7. Apparently a lot of people, regardless of system, are having issues with the 3D match engine.
  8. How difficult is that to do? I don’t have many files on mine either?
  9. I have a 32GB M1 Max MacBook Pro. Towards the end of FM22 I was having some issues with the smoothness of the match engine, particularly after updating to Ventura. The only fix was to play in Windowed Mode, it was noticeably smoother then. I downloaded the demo of 23 and it ran fine in standard mode, so I bought the game and it was running fine, until it randomly went back to being choppy and stuttering for no apparent reason. Yet again, the problem improves in Windowed Mode, however, that’s not how I like to play the game. I’ve tested it on the highest graphics and the lowest graphics and its the same for both. Can anyone help as the Mac was very expensive and FM is my favourite game, and to be put off playing it is a massive shame. I certainly want to keep the Mac and not have to change already, but this issue needs to be fixed. Thanks
  10. I have a 32GB M1 Max MacBook Pro. Towards the end of FM22 I was having some issues with the smoothness of the match engine, particularly after updating to Ventura. The only fix was to play in Windowed Mode, it was noticeably smoother then. I downloaded the demo of 23 and it ran fine in standard mode, so I bought the game and it was running fine, until it randomly went back to being choppy and stuttering for no apparent reason. Yet again, the problem improves in Windowed Mode, however, that’s not how I like to play the game. I’ve tested it on the highest graphics and the lowest graphics and its the same for both. Can anyone help as the Mac was very expensive and FM is my favourite game, and to be put off playing it is a massive shame. Thanks.
  11. This is an image of the system info. im currently playing in Windowed Mode to get a smoother experience, but really want to get back to full screen mode. Thanks
  12. have some facepacks and club logos as I have since the start. I’m using the in game editor. No, it’s happening on all saves as well as saves I’ve tested on FM21 and FM20. Strangely, I’ve noticed the issue is no longer there is if increase the text size, although obviously not a solution as I can’t manage the game properly as I can no longer access all of the options. I’ve also noticed it seems to work fine when having the settings overlapped on the screen, as soon as I click off it becomes less smooth again. So it clearly can run smoothly, however refuses to on default size settings. Runs smoothly in windowed mode but not full screen?
  13. This is just in general gameplay. The match engine isn’t running as smooth as it was prior to the MacOS update. I was hoping there’d be a patch to optimise FM with the MacOS Ventura?
  14. Hello, I have a MacBook 2021 M1 Max 32GB. The last few days I noticed very subtle stutters occasionally during games. I noticed that there was a MacBook update ready, I thought this would solve the issue. However, it’s noticeably worse and doesn’t seem as smooth as it should at all. It was a lot smoother only a week ago. Is there anything I can do about this as it’s ruining my enjoyment of a save. Thanks.
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