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12 "You're a bum, Rock"


  • Biography
    Duisburg, Germany

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  • Favourite Team
    FC Schalke 04

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  • Currently Managing
    FC Schalke 04

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  1. As the title says, I started with Schalke, the save starts on July 17th (Real World). 5 days into the season, Schalke 04 is going into administration, I have all my funds withdrawn and all offers a negotiated by the administrators.
  2. Yeah exactly. Both weren't able to play in their games against their respective teams due to that loan clause. I guess unless it is not particularly mentioned somewhere, I guess in Germany those loan clauses are not very common at all.
  3. At Schalke, the loan of Schwolow does not allow to play him against Hertha. As the game is this Sunday and nobody mentioned anything in this direction, I don't think this is the correct loan clause. Same applies to Tom Krauss, actually, I also don't think that Red Bull Leipzig would put in such a clause.
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