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Issue Comments posted by BigV

  1. Yeah it's not great, they did tweak it but not even close enough to what it should be.

    I've noticed even if you put scouts to older age and not "wonderkid" hunting then your scouts still dont scout players from teams all that often. I still have prem teams without scout reports for most of their starting/bench players which shouldn't be the case really especially when they are in the criteria. 

    They need to revert back to what it was in FM23 or years before it. The "behind the scenes" setting has kinda ruined it, i've had to use CA/PA skin, then scout for wages/price range. 

  2. 2 hours ago, zeza said:

    I'm sorry if I'm passionate about this issue.


    I disagree with you. They stated in the patch notes that tweaks were made to scouting and a whole lot of other issues, so please, read the patch notes before saying that kind of stuff. 

    You can be passionate and still be critical in feedback rather than saying the same stuff several times.

    Tweaks were made, i'm certainly getting more on avg than I was which is what the patch notes and zach stated. Im currently doing a test whereby im comparing 6months of scouting, from my previous save to the new save, im 4 months into my new one and have an extra 64 reports, some being more recommendations rather than near matches. It's still nowhere near what was during the past fm but it's *something*- my point was a Data update is not the same as the major update, there'll be more bugs and hopefully this issue, that will be fixed. 

  3. 2 hours ago, zeza said:

    I've seen that and we had many replies after that, even a great post of @wazzaflow10 asking about how scouting works and we are still having trouble on this matter.

    It's honestly infuriating that Scouting is still broken, Zach.  You understand that I've sent this glitch report in DECEMBER 2022 and we got 1 update about it that didn't fix it at ALL.



    This post basically summarizes my experience, even after the "fixes" in the last patch



    Saying the same things over and over again isnt going to help you nor them sort this issue, voicing your issue constantly is going to clutter up analysis others have done and make things harder to skim through and find the appropriate posts. There are others who are in the same boat as you and have just not said anything because they haven't got the feedback to give cause its been covered quite extensively in here and the general feedback thread. There's still a major update to be done, this was just a DATA one, yeah you can be dissapointed and let them know, but be critical about it rather than just stating it. E.G. that post above. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello everyone, to give an update on this, we’re looking to make some tweaks in our next game update to how players are scouted, that will ensure more Recommendations and Near Matches are generated in Recruitment Focuses.

    Some tips we’d also recommend when creating a Recruitment Focus are:

    Keep focuses broad.

    Ensure the scouts who are assigned to your focuses have an extensive knowledge of the area you’re sending them to.

    Ensure that you don’t overwork your scouts.

    Ensure the ‘include results found in other recruitment focuses’ tick box is selected.

    Appreciate the update Zach!

    Quick question, surely the  ‘include results found in other recruitment focuses' inflates what another scout has done? for example, if im scouting spain with 1 scout and the other is on laliga, one scout out of them 2 would be giving the report but having the same report in the other just adds more players they didnt scout. 

  5. 6 hours ago, Thrane87 said:

    Well it's not unreasonable to get frustrated with the lack of communication. First message was that players had to narrow focuses and that it basically was self inflicted. As one of the affected player who have tried every focus you can imagine, it's a bit provocative. People get annoyed because they love the game and this bug has taken away a huge part of the enjoyment. Not being able to scout players without manually going through clubs and countries selecting all players is truly not enjoyable. 

    So good on you for reminding about manners, but honestly the frustration is understandable at this point.

    It is you're right, but this isn't the place to be putting that there and doesn't help others coming into the thread posting similar experiences. It is "game breaking" and ive said its almost unplayable myself. Personally I carried on and double saved so if I wanted to go back I can but thats not viable for everyone, even workarounds are still less than desirable.

    I've done the same in the past and it honestly doesn't help anyone, more often than not it's just taking it out on the SI staff who may or maynot be relaying the message. There's also a massive feedback thread where constructive criticism is welcomed amongst other positive/negative feedback. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Nick_CB said:

    It's almost February and you're still going to investigate a problem that's been in the game since December. It's unbelievable.

    coding for FM isn't easy, yeah its a bug or so we think (there's not a lot out there suggesting it is apart from 2 or 3 threads), they need to look at all other factors leading it to wrong results and that means getting as much info and saves as possible. 

    This isn't the place to criticise them, this is clearly a bug section meant for that alone. That's all I'll say on that note. 

  7. 4 hours ago, TheHuss said:

    I don't know if this belongs in the same issue, but I have just signed five new scouts, best possible attributes, totally different nationalities, scouting knowledge, little to nothing in common other than attributes. When I ask them to recommend a player they all recommend the exact same player who keeps on coming up in my recommendations even though he's not a once in a lifetime player.

    Not the same issue so it might be wise making a seperate post (if you haven't done already), it'll also most likely be looked at and be told from an SI staff member they've seen it, if you did a seperate post, given our current issue from the thread is under review. 

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