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Everything posted by LBall94_

  1. The New Season Started 2023/24 This is after the new update aswell - i just tested it to check and transfers showing from 25/6/2023 which is summer transfers are showing as transfers for the previous season 2022/23 the date needed to be changed from 26th of June to 1st of June for it to show in the new season transfers. Please Fix this its been years and update after update.
  2. Thanks Jimmy this worked! If anyone else is still having trouble do this step and then restart laptop
  3. I just got an update on steam for the Editor & i tried to update it and it won't let me. As soon as it looks like its about to finish it just pauses and tells me to resume download but it won't let me, Please fix this ASAP
  4. I think we need the option to be able to terminate staff international contract, Trying to terminate Ashley Cole's England Contract but instead... It terminates his Everton contract.. Please make this a new feature in the new update or FM24 please.
  5. No problem at all mate, happy to help, After being on Ryan Mason's first team coaching staff at the end of 2020/21 he just moved back down to the Academy set-up with Chris Powell for 2021/22, I just don't think it was formally announced & i have a friend who works for Tottenham's academy and he was speaking about working with Gibbs the other day, here's two bits of evidence: https://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/nigel-gibbs/profil/trainer/1721 and This is mid season last season when Dilan Markanday won PL2 player of the month, He's second to last on the far right Also forgot the mention - Alex Vinall & Josh Rice for the Academy https://www.linkedin.com/in/alex-vinall-b7ab02104/?originalSubdomain=uk https://www.linkedin.com/in/joshua-rice-phd-773910b3/?originalSubdomain=uk
  6. Thanks Zachary, If this could get sorted it'll help so much! As you can see by this screenshot i take the managers and staff appointments on FM really seriously 😂
  7. How come its possible to select player traits in the in game editor Screenshot 1 but for staff you cant Screenshot 2 I think it'll be a cool feature to add so when a player retires just say Cristiano Ronaldo for example and he becomes a manager it'll be cool for me to add some tendencies like operates without assistant or things like that, because most players when they retire have no tendencies so it'll be a good feature to be able to use Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2
  8. Yes please, make this a thing for the January Update! Please
  9. For about 2 or 3 years i've asked for this to be sorted so could it please be looked at for this game, Thank you First Screenshot Man Utd clearly have 2 Assistants, but when i try to put a second assistant at Tottenham who don't have one Second Screenshot i get this message Third Screenshot 1 2 3 Please can someone finally help me sort this out, It happens in every league not just in England btw.
  10. Also Chris Perkins is a Tottenham Scout https://www.linkedin.com/in/chris-perkins-a4515b35/?originalSubdomain=uk
  11. Leonardo Gabbanini is Tottenham's new Chief Scout: https://theathletic.com/3508852/2022/08/15/tottenham-leonardo-gabbanini-watford-scout/ Elliot Ferguson-Dillon is now at RB Leipzig: https://www.linkedin.com/in/elliot-ferguson-dillon-1110b674/?originalSubdomain=uk Dean White has left Tottenham https://www.linkedin.com/in/dean-white-81320156/?originalSubdomain=uk James Bradley is a Performance Analyst at Tottenham https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-bradley-968a92ba/?originalSubdomain=uk Richard Higgs is a U18 Physio at Tottenham https://www.linkedin.com/in/richard-higgs-649437b2/?originalSubdomain=uk Tom Holmes is now at Derby https://www.linkedin.com/in/thomas-holmes-aa8bb2b4/?originalSubdomain=uk Tim Campkin is an U18 Physio at Tottenham https://www.linkedin.com/in/tim-campkin-64baa760/?originalSubdomain=uk And Nigel Gibbs is back working for Tottenham Academy
  12. FIXED PROBLEM - Anyone having this trouble aswell use this.. Open MacOS Settings -> Privacy and Security -> Under security is an error blocking the editor from running, click "Open Anyway" -> Authenticate -> click Open.
  13. Last week i updated my Mac to the macOS Ventura and now neither FM22 editor or the FM23 Editor which i downloaded this morning are working im constantly getting this message on both, i've tried re-downloading. FM22 FM23 I tested this on my old mac which hasn't been updated to the macOS Ventura and the editor seems to be working fine, so it must have something to do with the update, could you please fix this on BOTH Thanks Guys.
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