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Butts last won the day on December 22 2018

Butts had the most liked content!


1,845 "Say hello to my little friend!"


  • Member Title
    OTF and FF Moderator

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  1. Probably robbed Romania of their one chance too.
  2. ****ing hell refs are terrible at this tournament.
  3. After the post match press conferences last night he simply has to go, he's ****ed it and he knows it. We are still very much in this tournament so get him gone now.
  4. Bellingham next to Rice even if it blunts him slightly in that situation.
  5. Does bringing on someone to take a penalty ever actually work?
  6. Going to start this as Matlock, will post updates but don't get a great amount of time to play so probably won't do screenshots etc.
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