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Everything posted by The_Batmantis

  1. @Abdullah Patel I went ahead and uploaded a second video showing how the specific "scouting recommendation" column cannot be made smaller. It also shows me resizing a few other columns with the function working as expected. resizecolumn2.mkv
  2. Hi @Abdullah Patelthis has been an incredibly frustrating problem in FM for years! So I'm certainly hoping I can help get it fixed. I uploaded a short video to the cloud service showing me trying to resize some columns and not being able to file: "resizecolumn1.mkv" For some reason, the game seems to repeatedly "lock on" to a certain column and then everything moves in relation to that column. In this example, you can see that the "position" column keeps resizing even though I am attempting to adjust other columns in the list. Please confirm that this video works for you and I can then record and provide other examples.
  3. @Neil Brock I'm not trying to be argumentative, but what you have written here seems to conflict with what was previously posted and I'm hoping you can clarify why there seems to be a change of approach in regards to patch notes, change lists, and communication about bug fixes. >How will I know that my issue has been addressed or fixed? >With every update we release we include a change list, which lists some, but not always all changes and fixes. Whilst we will try to respond to threads informing users when a specific issue has been fixed, in some circumstances we may not be able to. But it is our aim to try and do so, so you have clarity after an update comes out. You clearly communicated in the Bug Tracker FAQ that each update receives a change list. I read that as a commitment to the users of this forum that a change list will continue to be used. But now we are being told that it's not being used. It's now unclear how we will receive information about fixes that have already been implemented in the game. You stated that some threads in the bug tracker will be updated in the coming days, but that seems to be a far less efficient approach. Is each user now expected to scroll through individual threads in the bug tracker to know what has been patched and what has not? That feels like a much less efficient way to communicate this information to players and users of this forum. Why this change in approach?
  4. Hi @Kyle Brown I don't have a prior save for this specific example but this issue seems easily repeatable. I've tried it with multiple players now, send them on vacation for a week from the "Training > Rest" screen. Go into the player profile "Development > Training > Position/Role/Duty" and change their routine to a new position and it removes their vacation status.
  5. I think the key part is you don't want players to click the "X" because it suddenly shifted position to where the "check" used to be. That's bad UI design that will result in a frustrating player experience with unintentional consequences on their gameplay.
  6. Joao Pedro is a star player, young, contract not expiring. But Watford have transfer listed him for "0"? Listed "by request" on 3/18/23 Save uploaded before he was transfer listed: Ted Lasso - Tottenham (v04).fm
  7. @Zachary Whyte Uploaded: "Ted Lasso - Tottenham (v04).fm" The issue only seems to appear at the moment when looking at my "4-3-3 DM" formation
  8. When clicking through scouting cards delivered in the inbox the buttons shift position depending on if the player is on the shortlist or not. The most commonly clicked button is the purple check, "no further action" and this button should remain stationary and be locked in position so that players can quickly click through the cards. The red X "no interest" button should also be locked in position to the left of the check. Since the shortlist is designed to take up more space, it should push left instead of off centering the other more commonly clicked buttons. Right now, the extended shortlist text is pushing the most commonly clicked buttons right, which means a player can easily click "X" to discard a player when they actually intended to click the check.
  9. Sorry, I posted the wrong image for the "Right" routine showing the missing player. Correct image showing the problem here:
  10. When organizing my corner routine I've noticed that a player has gone missing. My AMR is not appearing on the screen when viewing the "Right" corner routine leaving me with 10 players. This player/position is showing up in the "Left" corner routine.
  11. I'm not seeing any way to save/share specific highlights, goals etc. I see how to save a match as a .pkm file but no other capability. Was this functionality removed? Where did the "share" button go?
  12. I have U21 and U18 Assistant managers on staff. However, when I try to assign them to certain duties/responsibilities they are not listed as a possible option: (Yes, I have scrolled all the way up and down in the drop down field options)
  13. I sent Harry Kane on vacation after the World Cup. However, when I change his training schedule, without any other steps, it immediately ends his leave and recalls him to training with no message.
  14. These "ghost" training sessions do appear to have other impacts, as I'm now blocked from scheduling a new "Team Bonding" session in the week where this break exists:
  15. I believe the intention is for the scouting coverage map to reflect where scouts are currently assigned and scouting. Right now I have scouts in various countries but the map remains entirely blank.
  16. I think this is primarily a UI/display issue but it might impact other areas. The Mid-Season World Cup break in Winter 2022 is not being handled correctly in multiple screens. Prior to the break there are conflicting screens which let you schedule training sessions and then others that tell you the squad will be off on a break. During the break, the Training screen shows no training is going on, and yet when I sim the game the banner tells me that training is happening. I'm also seeing the game allow selection of Senior players for reserve games even though they are on "vacation". There is no indication that these players are unavailable and not at the club on this selection screen. As far as I can tell, these players aren't actually participating or put in the lineup. But the selection screen is misleading.
  17. I think Eric Dier's penalty taking attribute should be significantly increased from the current "8" He's converted pressure penalties for both Spurs and England in his career: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUYAOEIGsNI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-q6r5_O0pY I think it's also worth noting he was selected to take the first penalty in the shootout against Chelsea. That spot generally goes to a player that is regarded as a quality and calm penalty taker.
  18. @Kyle Brown I just went a bit deeper. I don't seem to have a save early enough to get back before Lemar was listed. Looks like the AI put him on the transfer list almost immediately (7/30/22). And from what I can see, there were no incoming transfers that precipitated this.
  19. @Kyle Brown I uploaded this save for a different issue. I'm not sure exactly when these players were transfer listed, but this is significantly earlier in the same play-through: Ted Lasso - Tottenham.fm
  20. When viewing a scout report summary from the inbox it rates Salah as a "D" I believe this grade is not reflective of the player. However, when viewing the full report, it rates Salah as an "A+" sign at any price. This misleading contradiction should not exist.
  21. I'm seeing this same issue. It seems we are completely unable to cancel scouting assignments from the player profile dropdown.
  22. I'll just add this here instead of making a new post. These players are also immediately on the transfer block, in October, for what I'd consider to be some incredibly low prices considering their rep, value, ability, etc... Hazard - 13mil Pavard - 25mil Verratti- 43 mil Barella - 48mil I don't think it's realistic these players would be sold for these prices. Certainly not this October.
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