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Choi seung won

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403 "They call it a Royale with cheese"

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  1. Too many AI coaches recklessly use inverted fullbacks and wingbacks. In particular, it's very strange to see obviously aggressive wingers like Alfonso Davies and Hakimi as inverted fullbacks. A patch for this is urgently needed.
  2. How do I change the background to the initial locker room wallpaper?
  3. Things to fix at launch 1. too many overall matches scored 2. too many goals from set pieces 3. the role of the inverted wingback needs to be less influential. Currently, using the inverted wingback regardless of the player gives you a significant advantage (it's like using a cheat engine).
  4. I hope SI releases the beta as soon as possible, the sooner the beta is released the sooner bugs can be found and the game will be more polished when it is released.
  5. One concern is that all center backs, regardless of their stats, will naturally assume the "John Stones" role, when in reality, only top-level players with high tactical intelligence and physical ability can play the John Stones role. It's unrealistic to expect every center back to naturally play the John Stones role without missing a beat. Dear Match Team, are my concerns misplaced?
  6. The most impressive thing about the new match engine is that wingers can finally be positioned close to the sideline. Even in Pep's tactics, you can see that the wingers stay close to the sideline.
  7. Perhaps a position to implement Pep's current Man City tactics. Miles actually mentioned it in an interview.
  8. Let's hope the developers don't repeat their mistakes from FM23. Squad planner, 3D manager customization, these are features don't need at all.
  9. As someone who has played over 800 hours of every series since FM12, I am very excited about the new news. Here are my questions How much of an upgrade will the new graphics be? Obviously, it won't be as good as the Fifa series, but it will definitely be compared to Fifa if it's a sloppy upgrade. As a longtime user, I'm definitely not expecting Fifa graphics in FM, but I'm curious to what extent the graphics will be upgraded.
  10. Is it difficult to implement dribbling in the match engine? I remember reading that the SI match engine developers said it was very difficult to implement dribbling. I would really like to see proper dribbling in FM24. In the current match engine, players with high individual skills and dribbling stats are not featured at all, only players with high speed are featured.
  11. These are the ones I suggested in the feature request thread. Does everyone agree? 1. Suggestions for the match engine Until now, dribbling in the match engine has been difficult to see except for players with fast running to outrun opposing defenders. Especially, players such as Neymar, Mbappe, Ronaldo, Saint-Maximin, and others who have spectacular dribbling in real soccer are just ordinary players in FM's match engine. I think dribbling should be developed and implemented intensively in FM24. 2. Suggestions for the transfer market and AI managers There are a lot of unrealistic things about the current AI managers getting fired and taking over as the manager of a new club. For example, Simeone, who has been the manager of Atletico Madrid for a long time, suddenly gets hired by Liverpool in the middle of the season. Is it realistic for Pep Guardiola to leave Man City in the middle of the season to take over at Real Madrid? At the very least, I think it's realistic that when a manager is sacked, the next manager is either unemployed or at a lower level club. Also, in the transfer market, AI managers too easily release legendary players who have been with the club for a long time. For example, Bayern Munich's one-club man Muller always goes to Barcelona. Is this realistic? 3 Suggestions for stadiums Please improve the quality of the stadiums in FM24. So far, the stadiums are so crappy and uncharacteristic of each other - stadiums in the 4th and 5th divisions look like stadiums in the 2nd division. Please provide a stadium editor so that users can create their own stadiums.
  12. Suggestions for FM2024. 1. Suggestions for the match engine Until now, dribbling in the match engine has been difficult to see except for players with fast running to outrun opposing defenders. Especially, players such as Neymar, Mbappe, Ronaldo, Saint-Maximin, and others who have spectacular dribbling in real soccer are just ordinary players in FM's match engine. I think dribbling should be developed and implemented intensively in FM24. 2. Suggestions for the transfer market and AI managers There are a lot of unrealistic things about the current AI managers getting fired and taking over as the manager of a new club. For example, Simeone, who has been the manager of Atletico Madrid for a long time, suddenly gets hired by Liverpool in the middle of the season. Is it realistic for Pep Guardiola to leave Man City in the middle of the season to take over at Real Madrid? At the very least, I think it's realistic that when a manager is sacked, the next manager is either unemployed or at a lower level club. Also, in the transfer market, AI managers too easily release legendary players who have been with the club for a long time. For example, Bayern Munich's one-club man Muller always goes to Barcelona. Is this realistic? 3 Suggestions for stadiums Please improve the quality of the stadiums in FM24. So far, the stadiums are so crappy and uncharacteristic of each other - stadiums in the 4th and 5th divisions look like stadiums in the 2nd division. Please provide a stadium editor so that users can create their own stadiums.
  13. Due to the current match engine structure, wingers cannot be placed widely. There is definitely an option to place it wide in the options, but it doesn't work when you look at the actual game. I want to have the winger attached to the touchline like real football, but there is no such option and cannot do that in fm23. I also want to keep the wingers close to the touchline and create space to create 1-on-1 chances with the opposing full-backs, but I can't at all. The movement of inside forwards and inverted wingers in particular is terrible. They are no different between a top winger like Mbappe or Salah and a winger in the fourth division. The winger's movement is standardized. Always drive the ball to the end line, then stop once and make a back pass. Or cross up. There is no attempt to cut in at all.
  14. Matchengine improvements based on 500+ hours of FM23 playtime 1. right-footed players are too good with their left foot. Especially in offense, right-footed players are so good at executing left-footed shots that right-footed shots are practically meaningless. 2. there are too many ridiculous volleys and ridiculous shots, especially those that go far into the air.
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