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Everything posted by robot_skeleton

  1. This is soo good, really like the way you explain the tactic. I am quite surprised by how high the RPM is in the very first picture. Also the movement of the AM is quite interesting. If you happen to make it work with an F9 that would be so cool, but also an AF might suit the wingers better but anyhow, looking forward to more!
  2. I am just wondering about the shadow striker, how did you arrive at this particular role? Seems to me like it's better suited with a striker in front of him who drops sometimes. You mentioned crossing ends up producing low quality chances. If you could post a screenshot about some of these moments right before the cross happens then a better suggestion could be made I think.
  3. Fantastic series @Cleon, as always! Two questions if I may, firstly regarding the sweeper keeper. Do you see him make risky line breaking passess when under pressure? Would you expect progressive passes from him like from the Ball playing CBs? My other question would be about the 4-3-3 variants. I can see that behind the striker you mostly have two aggressive wingers, be it IW or IF, os a SS. I am trying to set up a 4-1-4-1 but struggling because I want to implement a wide playmaker but seem to be completely nullified when pressed deep - even against inferior teams . Do you think it is necessary to always use two aggessive attackers from the wing in a 4-3-3? Seems to me like modern tactics both in real life and in FM rely on players being high and wide and having midfielders and fullbacks running beyond them which I struggle to achieve because the players end up limiting each other's space with a WP.
  4. Don't really remember that particular edition, but FM kind of peaked for me at 22.
  5. 23 had worse squad building in my opinion, and I played like 40 years. I have seen nothing in 23 that would indicate that it is better, and 22 had more fun match engine than 23 and 24 in my opinion.
  6. What about the IFB role instead? Wonder if two of those would give you what you are looking for.
  7. This is still an issue after the minor update.
  8. I just conceded two in a Champions League game, and generally it is still an issue I think. Also the subtitution bug is still there. My u19 manager doesn't try to sub anyone on. On a different note however, anyone else feel that with the latest minor update something changed in the ME for the worse? I am pretty sure I am not just imagining things and could give concrete examples. My IW-RPM combo suddenly doesn't work, the roaming playmaker doesn't create space for the winger like he used to, doesn't go further up the field, also the right back and defensive midfielder behaviour feels like got changed.
  9. Could somebody clear this up for me please? I played FM during the weekend, this update post was created Thursday. Has this update been out all weekend? Or was this released today?
  10. Sounds like you are slowly improving. I am kind of invested now in this save How does your current tactic look like?
  11. What shape do you expect in possession when attacking? Is it supposed to be a 2-2-6? Do you see that happening? I think if you figure that out your tactic will improve a lot.
  12. Going from 23 to 24 is alone worth it for the only change which is that in 2D the upper side of the net around the goal is no longer being moving around if the shot goes over the bar. I swear some of the stuff that's changed for the sake of being changed. But in 24 now some shots are parried by the GK and they go out of play with such force and speed that you would think it was being shot from a cannon.
  13. Thought I would provide one piece of feedback, because I am enjoying the game - although not playing now because of unrelated things. The Wide Playmaker role has gone through quite the rework and I am here for it. Either because of the improved match engine or just that you guys really did something with the role, it is a game changer for me. They cut inside, they dribble, they hang back to let the mezzala go forward or wait for the overlapping wingback and they shoot! They are a goal threat and they are awesome, they are a much more noticable presence than they were in '22 or '23. They do all this in a flat 4-1-4-1, which I never could make work with a WP, in a 4-4-2 the WP was quite good, but not what I wanted.
  14. Anybody else not seeing subs being used for reserve and u19 matches?
  15. Could you set up a custom graphics folder location? For me I cannot choose a different location other than the default on my c drive. I can only choose the save file location 🫤
  16. Is there any info on whether we can transfer saves in which an editor data was used? I phrased that weirdly, but I am sure you know what I mean.
  17. Hi Guys! No change to this? I played a few hours lately and when playing out of defence the IWB does not invert unfortunately. Maybe it's just with formations that use DMs? Anyway, never had this issue with FM22.
  18. Hi, this issue is still present even after the winter update. Any chance of a fix?
  19. I am looking for one right now, wonder if there is a good Hungarian lower division database for FM 23? I found a few but the problem is that in these files teams with reserve teams could end up playing in the same division with their 1st team, if the 1st is relegated, which is a bit a deabreaker for me.
  20. Unparalelled post, as always. I remember a long time ago you said you don't like 4 defender systems. Do I remember correctly? And if it is true, why do you like 3 man defences? Is it just the variety?
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