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251 "I mean, funny like I'm a clown? I amuse you?"



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    i am not here for a long time but i am sure gonna have a good time

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  • About Me
    I support Aston Villa but i also have a deep love for Celtic and Ajax


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    Aston Villa

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  1. PSR again with all the teams selling there stadiums to separate businesses
  2. I live in hope XaW stranger things have happened in this crazy management simulation world since we all started playing i was hoping this may be the next step with this big time new unity studios
  3. Will we get official looking premier stadiums now Fm have acquired the licence, would be my dream to see Villa park in the game
  4. That is fantastic thanks guys i can play fm on holiday.
  5. Is it ok to play my copy i brought of fm on another computer as i am buying a laptop to go on holiday with and wanted to install the game on there or do i have to buy fm24 again?
  6. Always thought this man had bad luck and things go against him and not given enough time oh and the legend Henrik Larrsson broke his leg and Mark Viduka went on strike. in the first few games i remember Celtic been a joy to watch John wanted to play a 4 2 2 2 Eyal Berkovic and Ľubomír "Lubo" Moravčík as two tens with Henrik and Viduka upfront i think he was ahead of his time tactically in what he wanted to do. Here is my John Barnes Celtic tactic enjoy John barnes.fmf
  7. I think a guy called stinger stole my tactical setup by changing a couple of positions and instructions maybe a coincidence but when i was watching his video i felt starlight away that is my tactic.
  8. This is my first tactic i have ever uploaded, i made it from scratch its how i like my teams to play i have only played with PSG due to they had the right defenders i needed for the tactic, i like to play defenders in the libero that can push up and play football and my inverted full backs are my more tougher defenders i have played half the season so far and the football has been a pleasure to watch. My Football.fmf
  9. Hi guys i was looking for a Saudi Arabia league file with a more a better and easier registration for foreign players.
  10. @RDF Tactics i would like to know how you see the game and how you like your teams to play would be great if you made you own football thesis.
  11. hey Knap i keep hoping you will come with that 3 at the back 170 goals tactic
  12. if i could take a pill and live till im 300 years old i would watch the full match i really would love to but i just do not have enough time.
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