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Posts posted by gunnaragusts

  1. I have created a new Icelandic league system, that is played over the summer and with a lot more money. I have been having two problems, clubs don't hire full staff, they just have the bare minimum, no scouts or coaches, apart from the odd goalkeeping or fitness coach, never just a general coach. And second the clubs don't really spend any of the money that they get, on players, it just sits in their bank account until some of the have upwards of half a billion pounds after about a decade, they buy players of course but usually very cheap players, I have tried taking over teams and I can see that their are a bunch of good players willing to play for the club but they don't sign them.

  2. Like many FM players I hoard every single high potential player I can find. I can't help myself, but the downside is the huge amount of work you have to put in at the beginning of every season loaning the players out, getting teams to pay their wages and loan fees, and then making sure that these players are going to playing a good amount, at the correct level, and training in good facilities. Doing all this manually is just a pain, and makes me hiring a director of football essentially pointless. The game should have staff that actually make your life easier. So my suggestion is an updated development/loan list. Where you can set out the parameters for what loans are acceptable. Wage requirements, loan fee requirements (what should be offered and then minimum acceptable),  the level of the league, and play time. Too often will you put a player on the development list or list for loan and your director of football will loan him out as a rotational player with the loan team paying none of his wage and no loan fee. And most of the time, the loan is automatically accepted with no option to make it so that you have to sign off on the loan before it goes through, to prevent terrible deals. Whilst if you manually take over the loaning process you can get teams to pay wages, large loan fees and find teams willing to play them as first team players. 

    This system could be implemented like this:

    Place player on development/loan list

    Wage: 100-50%

    Monthly loan fee: playing: 25-10%, not playing : 50-10%

    League level: Coach report recommended level or equivalent / top ten league. 

    Training facilities: Minimum good training facilities. 

    Play time: Minimum First team player. 

    All these option could be set as default in you assistant tab in staff responsibilities, so that you don't have to do it for each individual player. I know you already have some loan options in that tab, but the director of football often does not follow those guidelines, in this situation he would have no choice, though there could be a situation where the DOF will tell you than he has not been able to loan out a player because your demands are unreasonable. 

    There should also be an option to reject a loan that the DOF has negotiated if you decide it is not good enough. As Well as a stat, hidden or not, which effects the DOF negotiating ability, better negotiation means better deals. loan fees are also unrealistically small, in the beginning of the game you will see real loans with teams playing 700k+ monthly loan fees, look at for instance some chelsea players, Zouma, Kenedy, Batshuayi, yet in the game you will never get a loan fee for more than 300K pounds a week  no matter how good a player is.

    Bringing in young players and loaning them out for profit is absolutely done in real life, and very possible in the game as well, the only thing I am suggesting is making it less of a pain, grinding through hundreds of terrible offers for players over a transfer window is not increasing anyones enjoyment if the game. 


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