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Jesus Seba

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Posts posted by Jesus Seba

  1. Tyler - quick question about Piranha, if I put two of them in the same tank do you think one will eat the other?

    Seriously it's about the midfield/attack, playing as Arsenal and Adebayor is often woeful while Van Persie is fine, now the obvious difference is Adebayor is more of a target man type while Van Persie has more skill but Adebayor has dribbling and technique 15, pace 17 and I also noticed you had success at Everton with Jo who is not too dissimilar, but slightly worse.

    So if you could just clarify who played where in your Everton team (I know you did a screenshot earlier) but when everyone was fit did you play Cahill (I see you retrained him as a forward) in centre midfield or upfront?

    Do you play attacking midfielders or defensive in midfield i.e if Fellaini got injured would you bring in an attacking midfielder i.e Pienaar or Osman or someone defensive like Neville?, sorry for all the questions just trying to get into your success, maybe you could tell me your first choice/second choice attacking players at Everton or tell me who in Arsenal's squad you would assign to which position.

    Thanks again for all your time with this thread and congrats.

  2. Tyler a question for you when you were dominating with Motherwell etc, which type of strikers did you use was the guy with the backward arrow a big targetman type SC (Heskey) or a more creative AM/FC who drops off (Bergkamp,Zola) and the more attacking one I assume a fast goalscorer type SC (Defoe) have you stuck with the same method throughout the versions?

    I posted about running away with the Championship as Wolves (using V1) , although when I got promoted I found I struggled due to the attacking nature of the tactic that's the only thing if you are a small/bad team in the league it's very attacking so I have been working on a counter attacking tactic I can use to complement it.

    Did you not find that with Dunfurmline when playing the old firm?

    Also the photobucket screen shots in the OP don't seem to be working anymore, thank you for all the time and effort by the way you've done a fine job here.

  3. Tyler firstly (and the main point) this tactic has actually got me enjoying the game again, I gave up playing for the last month or so until the new patch came out and after seeing your impressive results I decided to start a new game with your tactic and see what transpired. I actually lost my first two league games away at Swansea and QPR and was on my way to purchasing a brick before trying to find your address when I realised I hadn't read your piece on teamtalks.

    This made a massive difference, went on a really good run despite those games and losing my main striker Ebanks-Blake for 6 months with a broken leg. I also noticed that Iwelumo who I was playing as the deeper striker (and he's more of a targetman) wasn't playing that well and I benefited from playing a more skillfull player in that role, I signed a guy (ironically from Motherwell) for that position Steve McGarry for 150k and he has been alot better. Towards the end I tried putting that second striker on mixed runs because I thought of Bergkamp, Rooney, Robinho who all play second striker and forward runs rarely didn't seem to sit right I won a few games 3-1 but it's early to tell, wondered if you had tried that at all?

    So as I say thank you not only for the tactic but the detailed write up and how you handle teamtalks, training etc it's been an awful lot of help, just a quick question regarding teamtalks I say nothing pre match and nothing if ahead like you said and if losing/drawing I tend to do "have faith in your ability" to each player but sometimes this isn't available and I have a choice between "you can make a difference" which hasn't been overly successful or the team "you can win this" and they very rarely do just wondered what you tend to go for in said situations?

    I've talked about the season i've had you can see it here: http://img4.imageshack.us/my.php?image=wolfcham.jpg

    and this struck me as slightly unusual, do you get this with your centre backs? http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/7946/berra.jpg

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