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Posts posted by Naninani

  1. I'm not having fun playing this game so many things feel wrong. At the same time there's clearly lots of potential in this ME but it's not polished. Don't get me wrong I  know it's not easy to fix everything but it feels like so many obvious things skipped testing, there were some really good parts of old MEs which are missing now. Crossing thing got even worse than it was on 17 ME. There was really nice one touch pass and move football around penalty area, which you couldn't achieve against bigger teams. Why is that gone? Also it was a lot harder to beat best teams in league, now it's easier to win against City than Fulham. Maybe I'm still in 17 but role selection looks strange and all teams use same roles in given formation. Again tactical AI doesn't look like being improved. 


  2. I've been playing this game since CM days, usually I don't buy it in beta I guess I was too excited about new tactics and AI changes. This is the first time I feel so disapointed and sad actually with the game, since it's the only computor game I play. I'm winning all my games with West Ham just hitting continue button. I managed to beat Chelsea 6-0. Also why are all goals scored after crossing or set pieces/corners? Can I expect this to improve with full release?  

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