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Posts posted by SlingShot

  1. 2 minutos atrás, João Baptista disse:

    Thank you! Do you have any idea regarding the expected date of the update? 

    And another question, do you know if this issue only occurs to players of the team you are managing? Or to all players? For ex. I am training Sporting. Does this only occurs to my players or it can possibly happen to Benfica or Porto players? 

    Thank you again mate! 

    "The Final Winter Update will follow in a few weeks, covering the latest deals from transfer windows that closed in February, including the Chinese and Russian leagues, MLS, free transfers in the EFL and more."

    They said that when the winter update was out. It won't take long.

    The bug is in Taça da Liga, so it will occur to any player in any team, I made a save test, to test (xD) the last update and this occured:

    Em 23/02/2021 em 16:46, SlingShot disse:



    I was unemployed to just test...

    Others already saw this bug too:

    Em 27/02/2021 em 12:53, SlingShot disse:


    Outras pessoas já detetaram também o bug...

    Others players already saw this bug @Neil Brock


    Em 01/03/2021 em 13:27, PPereira20 disse:

    One of my players got sent off for a bad tackle in a cup fixture.

    After the game, on my emails, it read "[Player] banned for one match". In that email, it says that the ban applies to all domestic competitions.

    However, since then, I've had 5 other games (4 league ones and one for a different cup) and I'm still not able to use the player due to the ban (it still says that he's banned for one more game). I can see that he's still banned for my next fixture, which is another league game.

    Am I missing something or is this a bug?

    This is after the Winter update. He was sent off on the 6th-Jan 2021.

    I also double checked, and the player is registered for that league (he actually played in the league game that took place before the cup match where he was sent off).

    Screen Shot 2021-03-01 at 13.27.08.png

    Screen Shot 2021-03-01 at 13.30.50.png


  2. 2 horas atrás, João Baptista disse:

    Hi guys. I am having an issue that I hope someone here will be able to help me! A player of my team (a wonderkid :() was sent off during the final of the portuguese league cup. After the game I received a message informing that he would be suspended during one match. However, one year later he is still suspended in all competitions except in frendlies and in the portuguese cup. Does anyone here knows if this problem is expected to be solved in the next update or knows how to solve it with the pre-game editor? 

    Thank you guys! 

    Bro why post something without read the recents posts?

    I'm replying 2 hours after u posted this... if u had read the recents posts in 1 minute u could see this:

    Em 01/03/2021 em 17:03, Freddie Sands disse:

    Not quite sure how this thread ended up in UI, I think it was accidentally merged - I thought it was weird it had suddenly gone missing from League Specific. Moving this bac now.

    Just to clarify on the issue regarding players being suspended indefinitely in the league due to suspensions from the league cup, this is an issue we have under review and are looking to get fixed soon (including for existing save games if possible) for FM21 soon.

    There u go. Now we only have to wait until the next update and see if it's fixed.

    In my opinion if u are doing a long save just wait for the update. :D

  3. Em 13/12/2020 em 17:07, SlingShot disse:

    Because of this bug this happen bro...

    "Also as a side note occasionally the star rating in a less familiar role is higher than in a more familiar role and so the less familiar role will be highlighted." - this should not happen, never...Aubameyang as a midfielder is the result of that.


    so @Neil Brock this bug is the cause to this awards of the players in the wrong positional categories?

  4. Em 23/11/2020 em 23:06, SlingShot disse:

    When I go to my squad and choose the reports section, the game have a column that says best position.

    And I saw a lot of players with the wrong position.

    In this case I looked to some Porto players and the choosen best position it's not their natural position...the game choosed the "accomplished" position to be their best position.

    I think this is a bug and I know that this was reported in Beta.

    I have a few screenshots (sorry they are in Portuguese but I think you guys can see the point) that show what I said.

    Thanks and continue make this GREAT game :D












    @Neil Brock u have a few examples here

  5. 48 minutos atrás, PPereira20 disse:

    @SlingShot Could be only happening since this update (can't say for sure, it was my first red card I think :lol:) but, from what I've read in this thread, there are mutiple people who have reported this months ago.

    No bro 1st we reported that the disciplinary rules in Portuguese Competitions were wrong but in the last update they correted them and now since the last update the disciplinary rules in Taça da Liga are wrong, soo before it was all Portuguese Competitions, now it's only Taça da Liga xD but hopefully they will correct this soon

  6. @PPereira20 this is happening since this update and it's because Taça da Liga be careful in that cup until this is fixed :D

    @Freddie Sands can u tell if this is happening in the next update? We know it's going to be released soon...

    "The Final Winter Update will follow in a few weeks, covering the latest deals from transfer windows that closed in February, including the Chinese and Russian leagues, MLS, free transfers in the EFL and more."

  7. 5 horas atrás, fabiogabriel disse:

    Have you tried to figure out if his expulsion was for something very serious? I don't know to what extent the fm has in its code this type of expulsions or suspensions. But to have been expelled and still be suspended a long time later, it could be for something very serious about the direct red The truth is that I did simulation and for now the suspensions are better. A player in the fifth yellow only fails domestic league, before he did not play any game that was internal competition. Try to see what kind of expulsion it was, what his conduct was. One thing I noticed is that the injuries are very frequent, I simulated until December for example, and covered all the teams, and many had several players with injuries.

    But bro he received the red card in 1st game of the season in taça da liga and was suspended for 3 games in taça da liga and primeira liga, but after so many matches in primeira liga paços can't use him because he is still suspended, so he is suspended in 2 competitions but maybe the suspension will only pass after taça da liga matches, but paços was eliminated so only (maybe) in next season can pass his suspension, but if paços is going to be eliminated in the 1st round again maybe only 1 game will be taken from his suspension...so who know how many time can this guy be suspended...imagine if this happen in your team...maybe with a key player...

  8. In this test I saw that thing with Reinaldo

    He received a red card in cup... Taça da liga... and he is suspended...until now it's 0k...

    But his team was eliminated of that cup...it's 0k

    but after that 11 games passed (1st league and the main cup) and he is still suspended...why's that?

    he only will be off suspension in a next taça da liga game? that dosen't make any sense...

  9. 9 horas atrás, fabiogabriel disse:


    you have to start a new save. I did simulate, and the player suspended in the championship no longer appears that is in all competitions




    in this case the verthonghen was red card, does not play any internal game like that!



    yes I started a new save to test and this happened

    Em 23/02/2021 em 16:46, SlingShot disse:

    Why can't u guys solve disciplionary issues in portugal league and cups? 

    This guy will be suspended for the rest of the season?

    Is this a joke???

    @FrazT @PandoraBox @Freddie Sands @Neil Brock anyone? 3 months ago the game was released and u can't solve this? CAN WE PLAY IN PORTUGAL WITHOUT THIS ISSUES or u don't care about Portugal and the players from Portugal??




    So tell me why Reinildo suspension is still going on...

  10. Em 24/01/2021 em 23:50, fabiogabriel disse:

    January 24th ... I hope you still have time to leave a memory here Well, coming here again, so as not to forget to correct what was requested in Portuguese competitions and now to correct the editor too. thanks!

    Like I said last time "..., in my opinion this will not be solved until the big update, until the end of the winter transfer market, last year that update was on late February, ..."

  11. 2 horas atrás, FrazT disse:


    It is understood that you are frustrated and you have made your point several times now.  You have also had an explanation from SI, so please stop posting the same thing time after time.  We have ne desire to take any further action, so please just leave it there and move on.

    If SI had to give back every single penny for every one who let down, this bug was already solved.

    This is a simple thing to solve...if it was a big bug that needed a lot of time I understood that possibly we needed to wait longer...but to solve this? 2 months and waiting? this is shameful.

    I participate in a lot of foruns dedicated to FM, since FM foruns, discord, facebook groups, etc, and since the beta was realesed until now you can see they complain of these issues, that are, most of them, gamebreaking for them, and I agree: 


    1-Wrong translation (Every Beta comes out with a lot and asking us to help, we naturally help and after the Beta it's hard to find any translation wrong to portuguese, at this moment I did not found one) - Resolved

    2-Wrongfully Portuguese Supercup was already played (Since beta but was quickly resolved)

    3-Wrongfully B teams in some countries in the 2nd season played on some Cups (since beta, it took a while but it was solved)

    4-In Portugal, Campeonato Prio don't start in the 2nd season (since beta and not all players noticed this bug, but after a while was also solved)

    5-In some countries players on loan could play against the main team (Since beta but was quickly resolved too)

    6-In Portugal disciplinary is a mess (Still in the game and nobody knows why...), (and If I remember correctly @PandoraBox in a response  to @fabiogabriel posted a table with all the rules for disciplinary rules in Portuguese division and said that was already logged and it was going to be fixed soon (something like this) and this was in the middle of December...today is 11 of January...and I will not talk about what he said about the influence of this bug in the game...)

    7- In the last weeks moving a player from a B team to Senior squad was bugged (My props to SI, in this one, after they launched the update that fixed so many bugs, some I said here and some I didn't, they told to us that they noticed this bug, they said what we can do to stray from the bug and they were already trying to solve it, and they did it in the last update)

    8- Wrong Best Positions of the players (still unsolved)


    Between 2 and 6 you can find some of the bugs that are gamebreaking for us, if we want to play, we play but after SI solves this bugs we have to start a new save, so if we wanted to do a long save, ours saves will be trash, ours time was wasted, and what was supposed to be our fun and relax momments it's our frustation momments.

    So before you threaten someone try to see this game as player and not as a mod.

    And now to the real SI workers (if they see) - We know you guys have a lot of work, a lot to solve, but always prioritize DATABASE, I send props to you guys about the way you guys solved the bug 7 (in this list) but that one could annoying, yes, but it was not a priority, like the wrong best position of the players, it's annoys me a lot, but I can play with that (Aubameyang was the 3rd best midfielder but I can live with that xD). So to summarize solve 1st the bugs that are not save game compatible and then the others.


    To the rest of us, players, let's just try to wait to see if they solve this, in my opinion this will not be solved until the big update, until the end of the winter transfer market, last year that update was on late February, but what do I know? I'm only a big Fan of this series with more than 10k of hours in the last 3 years so I hope that I'm wrong.


    Regards to all,


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