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789 "If you build it, he will come"

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  1. Data updates are relevant for FM25, so might as well include them as a patch in FM24 to keep us "happy" I'm sure. Match engine updates are worthless for FM25, so no efforts put into that I assume.
  2. Just want to highlight the bold statement here, because does it really? Bugs currently present in the game have been reported for years, with no fixes anywhere to be seen. If you want constructive posts, let us dig into our post history a few years back and we will probably find reports that are still relevant to this day. I don't really see the point in reiterating the same points again and again. And that is precisely why people are dissappointed in this edition. It was supposed to be the most complete edition ever, and most promises have not been fulfilled.
  3. There are plenty of people like yourself who are enjoying the game, hence the Very Positive rating on Steam. That still does not mean that people, myself included, cannot be unhappy with this edition. All of the things that i deem important (and were also promised in the headline features to be much better in this edition) are not working as it should. I think it's only fair to leave these complaints in the feedback thread.
  4. Just checking in. After seeing the changelist, please let me just quote myself from early January: "As long as steam reviews remain Very Positive nothing is going to change and I guess it is better to just accept the reality of this game never going to be as good as it once was. I've been frustrated for several years as I tried to post bug reports and provide feedback in this thread, only to get confronted with no fixes and hostile moderators . I haven't launched FM24 for a month now and it will probably remain this way. Time to retire on this series after ~25 years. I have zero expectations that FM25 with a completely new engine will be anything better. " I stand by this, it's actually disgusting how they treat their customers.
  5. Seems in line with everything else they have said to have fixed in the last few years.
  6. Sure it's realistic, but the game does not always communicate well to the player what goes on in the game and the bad interaction system does not really help either. In games, generally the players do not like to feel helpless and that is something you sometimes feel in this game whenever you have one of those games where nothing seems to work whatever you do.
  7. Rigged i tell ya. I don't really believe it myself either, but I understand that some players feel that it is so. Those games where not a single highlight is produced no matter what you do are the worst.
  8. Makes sense. This does however not consider that State A could be heavily influenced negatively against the player due to previous overperformance to make the game more "challenging", where no matter how much you change it to State B or C with tactical adjustment it will still be a loss for you because it's just so much skewed towards a positive AI result changes cannot heavily impact it anymore. Not saying it's that case, but it does sometimes feel that no matter what you do a result is set in stone which is what the previous comments refer to.
  9. As long as steam reviews remain Very Positive nothing is going to change and I guess it is better to just accept the reality of this game never going to be as good as it once was. I've been frustrated for several years as I tried to post bug reports and provide feedback in this thread, only to get confronted with no fixes and hostile moderators . I haven't launched FM24 for a month now and it will probably remain this way. Time to retire on this series after ~25 years. I have zero expectations that FM25 with a completely new engine will be anything better.
  10. Cross more often for the LB Sit Narrower for the AML Have also added cross to near post to both as I want low crosses at near post in general due to lack of aerial strength in squad.
  11. Quite a lot. Both my LB and AML are fast with decent crossing attributes and are left footers with a decent right foot. The AML is 50/50 on goals and assists and most assists are low crosses to the ST or one of the CM's and also the occassional cross to the AMR. The goals are mostly through solo dribbles and cutting inside. The LB does more crosses through the air to the ST or AMR. I would like to have a striker who is a bit stronger in the air as I notice that I lose a lot of opportunities there.
  12. This is generally how build up looks like, with the blue circles being the defenders, orange midfield, green wingers and red striker. Hilgers moves from DCR to DCL in build up, and Timber moves from DR to DCR. Hato moves up to DMCL while Mannsverk moves from DMC to DMCR. There is a lot of movement, which opens up spaces all over the pitch. The CM-A arrives in the box, so the AP sometimes lays-off or makes forward dribbles (I did give the AP some winger instructions to make him less static). Another variant is where I put the AP on support role and change the CM-A to mezzala. This also makes some fun interactions where they switch around their positions quite often with the mezzala ending on the wing and the AP more central.
  13. I'm currently working with this, which has some parallels with the OP's tactic, although my approach is a bit more direct instead of purely possession based. In possession, Timber and Hilgers form the back 2, with Hato and Mannsverk directly in front of them, which creates a 2-2 box there. Jetten is the one who will move up during build up and will move from a 2-3 setup to 2-2 with him supporting Borges on the wing. Darvich on the wing as an AP drops deeper than Borges, which works well due to the lack of support by Timber far up the pitch. Timber and Darvich do however connect a lot during the early stage of the build up. In the opposition area Sforza will be the one supporting him.
  14. One thing I would try personally is to have the DLF on attack so he at least moves into threatening positions a bit more often. In addition I would put one of the two CM's on attack duty so he makes more runs into the box. These are minor changes and should not overly change the theme of the tactic, but it should allow a bit more threat in the box for the IW's to provide to.
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