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625 "The Dude abides"


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    new football fan (2018), owner/author at whatgamerslove.com

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    new football fan (2018), owner/author at whatgamerslove.com


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  1. I used to ask about this, it's abysmal. And you can't in the editor go anywhere and prevent them from occurring. Often, I won't mess with my tactics and sim those games by vacationing through them.
  2. This is an excellent thread. Love seeing other people also doing good positional play explorations. On FM24, I’ve been using the 433 a lot more than the 4231, which is interesting as in my past tactical primers on PP I used the 4231. I have used similar back lines this year as you have here. I love the way the libero plays, especially if you have a really solid on the ball BPD. have you tried using the halfback any? I rotate between using the HB if I put my libero on support and using the anchor PRD if using libero on defend. Another thing I’ve really enjoyed is putting a CD-cover next to the libero. This will ensure one very deep defender in the 325 setup which helps against counters. Works a lot like Ruben Dias does for city often.
  3. Feels sacrilegious to do it with Real Madrid! But how is it playing?
  4. I haven’t messed with the tactics as shown at the beginning of the thread post game updates, so not entirely sure if they need some tweaks or not. But, I should test them out. I’ll do so and possibly share back here.
  5. Those are all proper ideas. I think mine is a very loose idea as I’m trying to utilize my teams talents more than replicate. Aleix Garcia can roam a fair bit though and is the playmaker. HB on a previous fm would make sense but on this version he will drop too deep and be too much of a cb and less of a playmaker. Especially as you said you let the left CB dribble more and be progressive.
  6. I am playing on FM24, but I didn't want to be too limited when the ball is on the right flank. A true strict 316 would use the IFB like you mentioned. But then, I'd be wasting this amazing player who should be playing further up the pitch.
  7. I've been testing a 433 which moves into the 316 shape, looking to try out something similar to what Girona is doing this year. You need the IWB to push further forward, tell the left footed, left sided BPD to stay wider. It's been working and playing a treat.
  8. It also could be the player. Player traits obv make a big difference to these movements.
  9. Great post! Your writing is always great and I like these threads about tactical styles I'm not as familiar with. Also, you give me honors I'm not sure I'm worthy of, but thanks! Keep up your great writing and approach!
  10. Possibly, depends on where in play, as they will position differently with and without the ball, and what part of the pitch the ball is. Try it and watch on full highlights to see.
  11. You could try giving them man marking instructions to force them to favor one side over another.
  12. Decisions I think is super important. Players need to know what to do with the ball and the faster control play needs quick decisions with shorter time on the ball. I'd maybe prioritize that over composure although both are important.
  13. I've had success before using the AP out on the wing in the AMR slot, but you don't want to have too many playmakers. An option I would try over any others is to use the IW-S, tell him to stay wide, and hold up the ball. A good player with dribbling skills will still make runs, but it will tone it down some. The instruction is meant to have the player hold up play long enough for other support players and runners around them to move into position. Which, sounds like exactly what you're looking for. You can also add this instruction to a winger on support if I remember correctly. Out of town and don't have the game handy atm.
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