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Posts posted by Chrisabian

  1. 17 hours ago, John Kendall-Torry said:

    Hi @Chrisabian

    Thanks for raising issue.  We will need the save from the host to take a look at the issue. Could you then also reply to this thread with the name of the save?



    Hi John,

    Unfortunately we played on as we found that retiring as a manager and then re-adding them to the club fixed the problem. Obviously not ideal though.

    I have still uploaded the save file, the name is 'Le Viva Espana - Chrisabian'!

    Thank you.

  2. Weird one this. My two friends connected to my game have unread messages in their inbox - but they cannot view them.

    They've both checked the filters box - unchecked them all and re-checked them - but no new messages appear.

    The messages in the inbox say 7th Nov, but as you can see, we're up to the 27th now.

    When they disconnected, I connected as their teams - and was able to read them all.


  3. Match Cohesion, it's annoying me now.

    I can't get it to rise. It's been on poor all season for Parma, I did 10 days worth of Teamwork and Match Practice training during the winter international break which is supposed to 'greatly increase' it but I had no movement at all. Everyone is familiar with their roles, the circle is 75%-100% full on everyone. I can't work out the factors for getting it to rise?

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