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FlorianAlbert9 last won the day on October 22 2020

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353 "Greed, for lack of a better word, is good"

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    Mtk Budapest

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  1. Set a lowest details they will have zero impact, so it will not be an issue.
  2. I never understand when they said "it's easy 'cause you use Real/Man/Liv/etcc, try with *obscure team". Managing top team should be the hardest level. IRL they wouldn't pay coaches millions otherwise. And it is sad that in a game called Football MANAGER, AI manager never count. For sure winning Champions with Real is easier than winning with MTK. For MTK winning CL IRL is impossible. In this football era, literally impossible. FM is a game and so it is great you have the possibility to make great a very poor club. And i know it will be hard to get a right balance in difficulty level, maybe there is no solution (if you make big team stronger then you will not win with a poor club). The only solution it will be set at least 2 difficulty level. One like is it now. Ana a harder one where: 1)find great player throught scouting will be complex 2) attributes like 'decision' and 'important matches' have a huge impact (like IRL) 3) top AI manager can get the best from their players.
  3. I made a future req several time ago where i said 'cause PA is totally irrealistic and how the game could works (better) using data that are already in the game without PA.
  4. It’s probabily cause youth in Spain are in b/c teams that play in lower league so they are out of your selected options. so or you select everyone spanish custom db or selected Liga playable (and then use lower detail to use less cpu power) another option: with editor you can switch young players from b team to senior Team
  5. Well, tackling for a striker has a very low impact in CA, so that 6 point more in weaker foot meaning a lower attributes in one or more important attributes for the role (eg. The one with 10 could have a better pace). so depends.
  6. I made a complete post in feature request some years ago. in brief: we all have all it is needed. starting CA + mental (professionalism, determination, pressure etc) + enviroment (structure, coach etcc) + matches played (experience) where us as manager have a key role, cause we really develop a good player, but also failed and burn an hot prospect
  7. PA is fantasy attribute than it doesn’t exist in real life. it is an arcade feature that ruins the search for realism.
  8. 1) Remove PA. a dynamic pa is the same than the fixed one. Totally unrealistic. 2) better internacional management 3) more more immersive enviroment
  9. We see different matches or we have different meaning of marking
  10. For me to stay half mile distant it is not marking. look at the semi-final. in every action, Messi is always free just walking on the grass. even when he entered in area. in the third gol action, nobody help the masked defender at the limit of area against the best player. Watch now the infamous Gentile-Maradona. or Ronaldo in semifinal of WC98
  11. I don't love low rating without context. Play in a final of WC don't have to be valutated like a Group stage against Arabia.
  12. 5/10 Some games are very emotional but all depends upon the very low level of defensive players. A level where the best offensive player is always free without needed to run off the ball and that he hai never be fouled by opponent, is the lowest level in the history of this sport. Or that or we have to think about something worst
  13. It was a funny match. Mental was the key. I think at the same time that that WC put Messi in the throne of this era and make evident that it is impossible to do a comparison between different era. If players like Maradona or R9 had the same treatment of Messi, they would score 5 goals per game. He was always free withou needed to make any movemwnt off the ball. and doyou remember any (real) foul suffered by Messi?
  14. Sure, IRL top clubs pay so much Guardiola, Klopp & co for charitable spirit
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