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Posts posted by Superowl90

  1. FCUM.thumb.png.03123379640ae379c0ea1cbbf7946c37.png


    Hi guys, a quick update. I had motherboard issues for 2 months trying to get warrenty covered etc so had a bit of time away, And when i came back i was unable to take proper screenshots in steam ? has anyone else had this problem ?


    Anyway we won the Championship play offs and sold some players for big big money so hopefully we can attract some players in the Premier League


    Also, personal milestone that this is the first time i've ever reached the Premier League in this challenge !!!

  2. FCUM.thumb.png.70bdb71fca4deea102002e3a4dcbabf6.png


    SEASON 5 Review


    Another positive season as we finished the year strong after a slow start that saw us 21st at our lowest point. We ended up finishing 9th in the league. Nothing to talk about during the cups as we lost in the early rounds in both League and FA Cup. We have improved our training and youth facilities and are in the process of expanding our stadium to 6000 capacity due to finish next year.




    Had lots of signings but only few played well, i see me letting around 40% go to strengthen our squad to try and push on from our 9th placed finish.


    One good signing became our top goalscorer by the name of Reo Griffiths





    I have already started pre season for next year and we have seen lots of better players now keen on signing on with us so i hope we can attract them with wage budget availability in mind. 


    VIVA LA FCUM !!!

  3. FCUM.thumb.png.5b3ac85e962788a26347a286591fb0c9.png




    Another great season for us as we lifted the Papa Johns Trophy as well as just scraping a 6th place finish to make the League One play-offs and we only went and bloody won it !!!!!!

    This is my greatest start to the challenge ever over the last 5 or so years of attempting it. 


    Here is the league table 



    Our top goalscorer this year was Kian Harratt with a decent tally of 13 in the league and an overall tally of 18 :744037866_KianHarratt_Profile.thumb.png.171851d6ad54ccb49102a3eace555b05.png



    We have started our championship campaign and let me tell you we are S T Ruggling. I am in for a long hard season i think with us having a wage budget less than most players in this league now .

  4. 1 hour ago, Scab said:


    Mickleover F.C. 2022/23 Season Review

    League Table    XG Table    Playoffs    Squad    Transfers    Finances

    I guess some things just ain't meant to be. :rolleyes:

    Can't complain about much besides the fierce competition. We play surprisingly well—especially in defense, something I normally take a long time to get right. Heck, we were 1st for a good 23 of the 46 rounds. Ultimately all I think we lack is that last bit of attacking quality, and no I don't just say that because we lost the league on goal difference, but maybe with a dozen more scored we would've been 1st and in the National League now. Just sayin'.

    Naturally, we were immediately eliminated in the playoff semi final. It's okay, this only happened eight times last time around. I'm numb used to it.

    Aim for next season: Spend everything on two forwards and hope for the best.

    Season    League              Finish   Notes
    2022/23   Vanarama North      2nd      Lost in Playoff Semi Final

    That's rough mate, having such a good season only to fall at the last hurdle






    Another great season for the club, we made some solid signings and clawed our way to a 3rd place finish in the league somehow. We have been very good in the transfer market for the first 3 seasons and have had almost every signing pay off in someway or another. 

    Again though did pretty much nothing in all cup competitions but that sits fine with me at the moment. We now gear up for a League One Campaign with a transfer budget of 500K but will again find ourselves unable to pay big wages or attract the top end players of the league but i'm hoping my shrewd transfer market acumen will stand me in good stead


    League Table: 



    Best player of the year for me was Nyal Bell, i actually signed him as a back up striker but he scored 5 goals in his second game and went on to top score for me this season with over 20 goals in all competition 1118910584_NyalBell_Profile.thumb.png.39fe75e2d294d030b105dc2cfbda496d.png

  6. FCUM.thumb.png.97cec1dae3c65c8e8c3f1d269b608ba1.png


    SEASON 2 Review 







    Either this years FM is easier or I've done extremely well. We got home on the back of a 30 game unbeaten streak in the league with some great signings, had 4 players on 11 goals for top goalscorer and not one of them wanted to resign with us :(


    We did nothing in the cups which helped us manage fitness levels. 


    We turned pro as soon as we achieved promotion to league 2


    Now i am not thinking we are gonna pull up any trees in league 2 but we have a bank balance of over 1M and i have been given a budget of 500K to strengthen in league two so hopefully we can bring in some players to fight to at least stay in the division  

  7. FCUM.thumb.png.68f6545f45b330cf2ba458eaf93ce635.png


    Season 1 Overview


    Another great start to the challenge as for the first time ever i have breached the 100 point mark on my way to the VLN title. We signed a fair few players for free but with a wage which helped us to the title. We started off with a 4-5-1 system due to the amount of half decent wingers already in the squad. We had a dip in form slightly about 2 thirds into the season. To combat that we reverted to my favourite formation of 3-5-2 which i will be carrying forward into next season.


    I will be letting a few players go that won't fit into the system and or have decided we are suddenly not good enough for them lol.


    Here is the league table 




    And my top scorer this year was a man named Cedric Main who will be leaving us for an overseas team who offered him 1.6K in wages a week which i couldn't even dare to offer at this stage of the game 




    I'm hoping i can get enough decent players in to build on this seasons fantastic efforts and push for a play off position but it all depends on who i can attract to the club in this off season 


  8. Kingstonian-FC.png.da5a2b84aa721a97ea41857cb55ac321.png


    Season Review 2024-25


    Another year another promotion, We managed to win the league on the final day of the year. This seasons Dafuges Challenge has brought my unprecedented success. I assume now that my small club stature will catch up to me as a attempt to progress as a championship club, already i have had a few really good players that would improve my team decline due to the fact i cannot offer high enough wages to entice them to join.


    Non the less i hope to at least stay in the championship this year

    Wish me luck 





    Top goal scorer this year was a free transfer signing by the name of Jamie Soule who scored 19 league goals this season408544368_JamieSouleTopGoalscorer24-25.thumb.jpg.a20d1e73945f3be4d9f56066bf9e1cbc.jpg



    Had a decent run in the Papa Johns trophy and the Fa cup but just couldn't handle it against the big teams. 

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