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56 "Houston, we have a problem"

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    FC Nordsjælland

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  1. I think my solution to this would be to make it harder to know a player's attributes. For example, if I scout a player for three matches and he doesn't score, how should I know that his finishing is a 15? If I never see him take a penalty, how should I know that his penalty rating is a 14? I've always found that aspect of the game to be inaccurate. There are certain physical skills that should should be able to get a good read on. Speed, strength, jumping, heading, passing, etc. Even most of the mentals. But in real life, a club doesn't really know what they have in a player 100% until they sign him and he starts training with the team and playing in games. Only them should the full scope of his abilities be known, I think. Either that, or you scout him for a full season, or most of it, and he scores 16 goals and you've got a pretty good idea that he's a good finisher. I think that would accomplish the goal of making scouting harder without needing the changes that have been made to recruitment focuses. I get around this in my saves by using the Just Skin Attributeless skin. But I'm tempted to go back to a skin that shows the attributes just because so few guys come through the recruitment focuses.
  2. The part that doesn't make sense is that when I scout individual games, the scouts still come back with reports on some players who aren't interested. I guess I shouldn't say that out loud, or maybe they'll take that feature away, haha. I do agree with their overall goal of making scouting a bit harder, though. There's a happy medium that I think can be achieved. The fact that I can scout one game and have "extensive" reports on a bunch of players from that one game is too extreme to the opposite end, IMO.
  3. Some of us have had issues with scouting for several months now. You can check out the bug forums for more detail. Things are working as designed by SI, but the debate on the bugs forum is whether or not things should be designed that way. Personally, I don't do many recruiting focuses. I'm having a lot of success assigning my scouts to individual games each day, but I understand that's a big chore for people who have large numbers of scouts (I have just 4). But you'll get a lot more results that way, and also your knowledge of each player will be "extensive" immediately, whereas with the recruitment focuses you have to wait several weeks.
  4. I've used it for the past several years and found that it has improved things. Nothing will ever be perfect, because it's just a game afterall, but he extensively tests some years out into the future. And then he actually provides that future save file for his Patreon members to test. So I know he puts a lot of work into it.
  5. Per the bug forum, that's a mistake that didn't get fixed in the last patch. So MU is going to be at a major disadvantage for any 'your world' save that is started, unless you edit their starting money and transfer budget.
  6. It's annoying, especially if you are a big club with a lot of scouts, but a workaround is to assign your scouts to individual games rather than doing focuses. They find more players. For example, I scouted two games in Austria in one day and got four recommendations from my scouts. The added bonus is that you immediately have extensive knowledge of each player. If I had found the same four players in a recruitment focus (which wouldn't have happened) it may have taken 2-3 weeks for me to gain extensive knowledge of them.
  7. Playing as FC Nordsjaelland in Real World Mode. Ernest Nuamah is unavailable for me before his transfer goes through on August 30. Not a huge deal, but this does not represent the "Real World" since Nuamah played six games and scored four goals for FC Nordsjaelland before making his move. I guess it just can't be programmed any other way?
  8. Mustermann is great, but I also just started to enjoy Just Skin now that it has an attribute less version.
  9. FYI, a partial solution to this is to download FMRTE. This allows you to edit club affiliations within saves, you can edit that FC Nordsjaelland affiliation with RTD. RMRTE does cost money, and it is not a pregame editor so you have to apply the edit to each save. But it is a good work-around until (if?) SI fix the issue.
  10. Yes, I've experienced the same thing, and the issue has been raised in the bugs forum.
  11. Good call, I saw there was already a thread about it, so I added my post as well. Thanks.
  12. I just posted about this on the main board, so I'll copy and paste to here. As to real life examples, all you have to do is pull up the FC Nordsjaelland website and look at their youth rosters. It's all Danish and other Scandinavians. African players don't arrive until they are 18. My post is below. I manage FC Nordsjaelland a lot. With their link to Right to Dream Academy in Ghana, they always get a lot of African players to come through their academy at the age of 15 or 16, which in turns means fewer Danish players coming through my youth intake. To me, there are two issues with that.... 1) That's generally not how it works at FC Nordsjaelland. Those players are signed from Right to Dream at age 18, because African kids can't move to Europe until they are 18. Under the current setup, I get very few Danish players through my youth intake, which isn't accurate. If you look at their real-life U19 and U17 teams, it's all Danish and other Scandinavian kids, but after a few years on FM, their U19 is loaded with African kids. In real life, the African kids are brought in directly at 18 and plugged into the first team or the reserves. FC Nordsjaelland produces a ton of good Danish players in real life, but this is hard to replicate in the game because so many kids from RTD are coming through my youth intake. Those RTD kids should be bought as transfers from RTD at 18 instead. 2) When I'm not doing an FC Nordsjaelland save, the AI can't handle the African kids coming through the Youth Intake. They all have to be paid 50k to qualify for a work permit, and the AI doesn't think they are worth that much it seems, or perhaps they are capped by the wage budget, so the result is that a large number of FC Nordsjaelland's youth team after a couple of years can't even play in games because they don't have work permits. I'm not going to say it's game breaking, of course, because it's not. But it's also not accurate, and it does kill immersion for me, and considering the AI can't handle paying them and getting them work permits, it should be changed. There's no point in FC Nordsjaelland having a good youth setup if the AI doesn't even sign many of the players who come through it. The solution I think would be to change the affiliate to a "right to purchase" type, rather than the type that sends players to the FC Nordsjaelland academy, and perhaps make it so the board expect you to sign Ghanian players. I would do it myself, but apparently we aren't allowed to edit affiliate types in the editor. So, my suggestion/request, as someone who almost always plays with FC Nordsjaelland, is to please change that affiliate type to something that more closely resembles real life, or at least let us have the option to edit affiliates in the editor ourselves so I can fix it. Or, if you don't think either of those things is appropriate, at least program the AI so that it actually signs those African players that come through it's youth intake. Thanks for your consideration. If this is better suited for the suggestions board, feel free to move it, or let me know and I'll post it over there.
  13. Not me. The affiliates show up, but when I try to click or unclick anything (such what each agreement actually does) nothing happens.
  14. Would this editor make it possible for me to edit affiliate agreements between clubs? Seems to be hardcoded in the official editor, but I wanted to make a change.
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