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bdcuk last won the day on May 4 2023

bdcuk had the most liked content!


1,792 "Say hello to my little friend!"

About bdcuk

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    Abstainer: a weak person who yields to the temptation of denying himself a pleasure

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    Never ever bloody

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    anything ever!

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  1. Currently in Agadir, Morocco. First half done. Mainly England supporters.
  2. As I know more of Wallins players that gets my vote.
  3. One of my earliest memory was the 78 final with all the ticker taper And Keegan missing a simple header in 82
  4. https://www.buildlineup.com/shared/6373e15fde2d315e965cb537
  5. Do we have to use pre-designated formation? or can I use a freestyle one?
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