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11 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. So this is going to be my first proper attempt at writing one of these so be warned it could be awful! 😂 this is just a starting message tomorrow I will start my first proper post!
  2. Nice to see a English league thread I’m currently on the fence whether to start right in the dark depths of England like I normally do or just do a save with a local team like charlton
  3. Hello to anyone who reads this! I’ve never done a thread on here but have recently started a save in the deep depths of non league football and thinking of updating on here how I get on so this is just a opening message and I will be running a update on club, squad and league updates as I go along! if anyone else is doing a non league save please update in here as would love to read how your getting on!
  4. Hello everyone would love some help picking a team to be so I’d love to start in serie C with a team that has a relatively young squad and that ain’t really in a big city would love ideas and little reason people chose then thanks in advance
  5. This is what I ended up doing and yeah as expected budget was big thanks for the reply appreciate it
  6. Wonder if anyone could help im a massive United fan but haven’t done a save with them this year wondering if anyone could answer few questions for me how easy is it? I like a save that’s really difficult last one 2nd season onwards do you get massive transfer budgets? This is what’s out me off the premier league last couple of fms thanks in advance
  7. Looking forward to this as I’m just looking at starting with willem
  8. So after some thought I’m currently stuck between rc pens and fc Nantes!
  9. Been keeping an eye on this thread for a while and still stuck with what team to start my adventure with!😂 tempted to skip 1 season and look at how things are going
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