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  1. I though Denmark played better tonight than they did against England. And they got stuffed. Whoever wins out of that Germany, Spain, France, Portugal, Belgium gauntlet will win this tournament unfortunately. Up to us, the Dutch and the Swiss, maybe Austria to stop them. I can see one of Switzerland or Austria getting to the final but winning the lot? Can't see it against the other half unfortunately.
  2. That move right there. Just put the flag up. But they can't incase they make a mistake according to the technology. Joke.
  3. I agree. Also ban all VAR and robot offsides and go back to the referees making the final decisions. Like in the Championship and below... I do feel he cocked up on Schlotterback's goal though, so maybe that made up for the first decision?
  4. I fully support Wolverhampton Wanderers ideally of getting rid of VAR. Pair of joke decisions. A Snicko-o-meter FFS. It ain't cricket.
  5. We really need a winner in the second half or this is going to go on to about half past midnight.
  6. Any chance this could blow into Austria for the race tomorrow? Make the car racing interesting.
  7. Thunder and lightning postponing the game. So far. Red flag. Was it Euro 2012 when there was an almighty storm that postponed a game for 24 hours?
  8. Penalty! Make it inside the box! If that was me takint that free kick, I'd have knocked out Rasmus Hojlund
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