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80 "There's no crying in baseball"


  • Biography
    Hey. :) I live in Berlin/Germany and really love football 24/7, since i was a little child.
    I`ve played football@kindergarten, then for Schoolteam (won the School-Cup Drumbo Cup in Germany), BSC Rehberge, BAK07 and Hertha BSC (had to stop when i reached the B-Youth).

    I play Football Manager-Games since ~`98, Bundesliga Manager & Co. Was a real Anstossfreak (Ascaron, Gerald Köhler), even the EA Fifa "Manager" and now only the SI Games Football Manager. It`s my passion for this great sport and all about it, which takes alot of time but also gives alot of fun.

About Me

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  • Interests
    Football, Sweden, Politics, History, Zombies etc.

Favourite Team

  • Favourite Team
    Hertha BSC, Liverpool

Currently Managing

  • Currently Managing
    Hertha BSC

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