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94 "There's no crying in baseball"

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  1. Will they be pulled out of position for not following their assigned position (in this case an opposing winger with our IWB role) or for actually doing so and leaving space in their starting position?
  2. What if my AML mark the opponent DR and that DR has IWB role which is moving in DM position in possession? My AML will continue mark him in his new position(DM) or he will stay in AML position?
  3. Hi Cheeps, At first, I would say that you are using some team instructions that do not help your team to express themselves "more freely". I will mention them below and if you can explain me how you want your team to play so that we can figure it out together. HIT EARLY CROSSES + LOW CROSSES While this combination could work in some ways, I recommend you keep one of the two because generally crosses are low xG in the game and with these team instructions you further reduce your chances of successful crosses. I would just keep the low crosses instruction. When your wider players are crossing from deep you have no players in the box because of the role you chose for the striker (DLF) since that role drops deeper to get/participate in the game more actively. MUCH SHORTER PASSING With this instruction you will see your team play a lot of passes, especially shorter in distance passes, and this leaves no freedom for your players to take risks in order to create chances. Many times you will have seen them play meaningless passes to each other just to satisfy this instruction, but I guess your purpose is different 😉 That's all in general. I will wait for your answer to investigate more your issues.
  4. It applies to almost all instructions and roles. I don't say that in a derogatory way or to belittle the work SI does in the game, but it's really a shame that some details ruin the whole experience.
  5. ....and there are still people here who advise you to read the descriptions or the manual to better understand the game.
  6. I understand what you're saying but what many people have been saying for years (and I understand them completely) is that the game UI and descriptions in general don't give the real picture but something too general and sometimes misunderstood. So I would like to try to understand this instruction on its own without including the other variables. Where it says the description "...whilst others may roam or swap positions with others..." is not specific at all but very general. One could easily think, if I don't put this PI on my DM then I might as well see him move to the AMLR positions. And really, no matter how logically you try to look at the game, it's still a game made by people with specific instructions. That's how the codes work. There are inputs and outputs in general. When I as a manager don't know 100% what that particular input does then I can't understand the output. And again I say, I fully understand that roles, TIs etc can affect the behaviour of the role and the whole team behaviour in general. How do I create the tactical style I want when I don't know 100% what each instruction does? The logic here is that I as a manager give the direction, knowing what I want from my players, and then it's up to them and their abilities to carry it out. I think these questions are very common from many FM players, especially the new ones.
  7. Because you seem to have created the game and you know every detail of it. I have a question about the "Hold Position" instruction. Does this instruction tell the player to hold his position within the box where he can move? For example, if we assume that a DM role can move to the CM and AM positions, does that tell it not to? Exclude the new "Positional Play" feature here. Or Does this instruction tell the player not to move to other positions in the formation? Such as WBRL, MRL, etc. I'd be very happy if you know the answer and enlighten me too. ** I don't want you to take it as a sarcastic comment or anyway somewhat mean-spirited, it just seems very fake to me, with knowing everything (I mean everything) about the game down to the last detail.
  8. Another year AF is overpowered but this year he/she has exceeded all expectations. * He/She because this year we will have women's leagues.
  9. I've been playing the game for a long time and the last time I remember ME having a "problem" with some kind of tactics was in FM18 with the 3 strikers. I remember winning the CL in my very first season with my home team (Anorthosis Famagusta) beating big teams like Real Madrid, Inter etc. just for fun. After FM18 there was nothing in ME that was considered a hole in the game system. Regarding the particular discussion you've developed here, I would like to say that there are several ways to play the game and that's a very good thing. That's what other games do as well and that's one of the reasons why they might succeed in their industry. One approach is to build a tactic around the available players your team has. Another approach is to create real-life tactics in the game and another approach is to create tactics that you want your team to play regardless of the ability of your players and try to adapt them to it. As a user of the game I've always been the last approach because I'm the boss. Those who have been wronged for many, many years in the game are those who don't know football very well but would like to learn. I was one of them in my first steps and I had to search through forums, discussions and the internet in general to find answers. In this respect the game has failed miserably and there are many examples. I hope for FM25 things will change but sometimes you have to keep a low profile. I know that with the engine change in general the graphics and the UI/UX in general will be much improved but I hope more on the essence of the functions and not on the design. Finally I want to say that these game practices encourage one to the point of looking for Plug & Play tactics. I don't want to disagree with anyone and I don't want to agree. I respect your opinion and your choices for your own, personal entertainment. Thanks for reading!
  10. Change your AML to IF(A) and your DL to WB(S) to accomplish better width support on the left side.
  11. Hi guys, I have managed to build a very complex and big database with over 250k changes and somehow I'm stuck with league sorting. What I mean when I start a new save game with my custom database teams in that particular league is not sorted alphabetically before any match and I can't figure this out. It sorts all teams randomly. Does anyone know how can I sort teams alphabetically like when we start a new save in Premier League?
  12. I have already disable “Discipline rules” on my custom database. The question here is if we can disable them in Match Engine so the ref doesn’t show any card to the players.
  13. Hi everyone, Is there a way to disable red and yellow cards in Match Engine?
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