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Posts posted by Rich2086

  1. On 05/04/2023 at 16:02, Armeniar said:

    For those playing with Victor San Marino:

    I notice the amount of Sammarinese players in the intakes are really low (+- 3 at most), it even gets worse throughout the seasons. Is this just bad luck or a general thing? 



    Anyone else have this issue or manage to improve it? 5 years in with Victor San Marino and this intake I didn't have a single Sanmmarinese player 😕

  2. Another option for changes you could make to this is the tete position could become a winger on support then the right full back could be a complete wing back on attack. This would stretch the play out and give the players in the centre more space to work in rather than everyone attacking the same area. 


    The DLP could also change to a Volante, DLP and Dm d are fairly static roles I think. 

    I don't know what other strikers you have but a role that roams or drops into deeper positions would also probably work quite well in this system 


  3. 1 hour ago, Hovis Dexter said:

    Before each youth / reserve team you should receive a notification asking you which of your first team players you want to include in the youth / reserve team for the next match. At this time you can select the positions that you want the youth / reserve players to play and they will start the next match in those selected positions.

    Fantastic thank you.


    That worked, who knew an inbox message I've probably deleted 10,000 would be what i needed :eek:


    For anyone else that ever looks similar up - for speed i think you can go back to the squad page pick the 11 you want and save it. Every time the inbox message comes up again just go back to the squad screen and load the saved selection. Better than picking the 11 every week.

  4. Some of the promises annoy me, offered my best youth player a new contract and he requested in it that I loan him out. I couldn't remove it. So I reluctantly offer him out for loan and only one club back and they want him to be a fringe player, I negotiate but they won't budge. I rejected it as what's the point in the player going out on loan to not play. Of course he kicks off and wants to leave permanently :rolleyes: 


    Ended up finding him a loan and hopefully he'll have forgotten about it when he's back. 

  5. 44 minutes ago, kevhamster said:

    This is the best all rounder within the price range: https://www.currys.co.uk/gbuk/computing/laptops/laptops/asus-vivobook-m431ia-14-laptop-amd-ryzen-5-256-gb-ssd-silver-10208158-pdt.html

    Very good CPU and decent integrated graphics.

    Thanks, think I missed out though, out of stock 😔


    Guessing this is the same but £50 more? 



  6. 15 hours ago, coppicat said:

    During Covid I bought FM for the first time in 15 years and as a previous addict I was really looking forward to spend time on my guilty pleasure. I am playing Nottingham Forrest and won in the playoffs to get promoted first year. Second year I finished 7th in the Premiership and miraculously won the Carabao Cup . Now in my third season I am maybe going to get a spot in the Europa League. How did I do it? I have no clue as the results seem to come at random. What is even more serious.... I actually didnt have fun. I am so frustrated playing this game that I actually have to remind myself that its all going quite well.  

    I play standard tactics and dont check to much online what works and what doesnt. With the results I have had, you would imagine you would have a sense of achievement.... but instead it just seems like hard work all the time and you never have a sense of what works and what doesnt. It actually does seem like the ME is a step ahead of you at all times and you have never been handed the tools to figure out what is actually happening in a game. It also seems like all games you play are balancing on a knifes edge and the slightest little mistake in the eye of the ME will cost you dearly. I mean its plain and simple mind boggling what you encounter over a season. 

    For the last couple of months I have spent a ridiculous amount of time on this game cause I was too stubborn to give up. I just couldn't believe that there was not a certain something I had totally missed which made this game so extremely frustrating..... and that's when I finally went online to find out that there were so many others that had that same feeling.

    There are many aspects of the game that are nice but nothing works if the core of a game is thoroughly flawed and it this case the ME brings everything down. As in any field of the entertainment industry a computer game has to be judged on one thing only in the very end. That one thing is if its fun ... if you are having a good time. Too this question I can honestly say that this game has not in any way been fun, far from it actually. It has in fact has been extremely frustrating.

    Did it get too complicated? Did the programmers want it too realistic? Did nobody focus on "gaming experience". In my opinion the one thing that is certain is that they completely lost the plot on this one. I will certainly not buy FM again... its just not fun. Probably a blessing in disguise that I chose to return to FM in this version as I would be spending way too much time on what was once a great game. Hopefully SI will be able to rectify this, but I wouldnt be at all surprised if they will feel the repercussions of this blunder on the bottom line next year.   




    Great post.


    This pretty much sums up my feelings on FM20 its so massively frustrating, I havnt really enjoyed the 200+ hours i've spent on it, despite some decent success. I do fear that a lot of people will have picked this up in lockdown or now free on epic and feel the same.  

  7. 9 hours ago, FrazT said:

    In my view this section in the Club Vision module is flawed and the board's expectations are completely unreasonable, particularly when there is little that you personally can do to make it happen.

    Couldn't agree more, think this needs a major revamp and a huge amount of depth added. Especially when on a long term save taking a small team to the top, board expectations can become quite unreasonable and they'll express disappointment a losing tight champions league games to established teams like Barcelona. 

    I know the game probably can't take this into consideration but in one save I added a league about 8 seasons in. Most of the teams and the players shown in the player search that were added were 30 years old and above. One vision the board had was to sign players for the first team under 23 years old. We'll this was almost impossible for the first 2 seasons as the scouting range was tiny and the players visible in player search were all well over 23 apart from the odd few that were nowhere near first team standard. 

    It's a small gripe and probably an uncommon scenario but it just shows how board vision and expectations work well at the start of saves but after multiple seasons start to become unreasonable. 


  8. I never buy day 1 anyway becasue theres always bugs so i'll do what i usually do, wait for a couple of patches and see what the feedback is like on the ME. I bought FM20 but i think its one of the most unenjoyable for a few years and constantly find myself going back to previous versions.

  9. I know this is no help but in my cheltenham town save I'm 6 seasons in, don't have great facilities, I'm an average mid table premier league team and I've been lucky enough to have 2 players in 2 years that could easily become first team players and are rated over 4 star. I do have very good staff and good personality on the HoYD. Maybe I'm just lucky but I've never encountered an issue with youth players. On FM 18 on my Clyde save 2nd season I had a guy come through that ended up playing for Chelsea and Liverpool and went on to be Scotlands best player for a few years.

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