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24 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. Do we ever get newgen refs in FM24? I'm 22 years into my Everton save this year and I'm still raging at Jon Moss and Craig Pawson.
  2. I'm starting with an under 11 team this July. This came about purely due to my wife's pro-active nature and disdain for my FM habit.
  3. This has only started bothering me this year but going back over some old saves I still have on 21 and 22 and my (admittedly patchy) memory It seems to be a long standing issue. I've been playing FM for a long time and I normally do 2 long term, single-club saves on each game. I look to upgrade youth recruitment and facilities as well as hiring the best HoYD I can as a priority and yet I don't think I've ever had a wonderkid, including 20 years with Everton on FM23. This isn't a gripe with the game, I'm just puzzled as to how it works as I can't seem to reliably get anybody through my intake into the first team. So, what am I doing wrong?
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